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Q: How do you make a credit card from a java script?
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How do you make a Trojan virus through java?

'you need a Trojan horse to create a Trojan virus' LOL , Trojan Horse itself is a Virus !

What is the meaning of an index in PHP?

are you asking what is the meaning of an index in php as in index.php? index.php is the default file the web server will load if you don't indicate a file and only a folder. if your web site was, and you make a subdirectory called /test, then if you wanted a script to run when they type, then you would make a file called index.php and put it in the subdirectory called test. same is true with .html files

What is the largest even number made using 936819 cards?

It is 998316.Actually, it is possible to make 999318 - if you turn the 6 card over so that it reads 9.

How do you use sessions in PHP?

Sessions in PHP are easy to learn and set up, first of all you need to make sure you use the function session_start() at the start of each script to make sure the sessions work. Then all you need to do is the following to store information in sessions: <?php // allow sessions to work on script session_start(); // set up a session called my number $_SESSION['my_number'] = 1; ?> That's all you need to do to set up and store data in a session. Now if you want to delete a session you will need to use the unset() function like shown below: <?php unset($_SESSION['my_number']); ?> To destroy all sessions in one go you can call the session_destroy() function. This will save you some time. <?php session_destroy(); ?>

How many red prime numbers are in a deck of 52 cards?

There are four prime numbers under ten and two red suits. That would make eight. Each playing card has its number printed twice in opposite corners. That would make sixteen. I don't know if you want to count that or not.

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What does the java script can do?

when you put it in a coffemaker, and put hot water w/ the java beans, you may make a java latte' .but make sure you have whipped cream to make the flavor balanced.

When are you in credit card debt?

A person is in credit card debt when they have charges on their credit card and can not pay them. A person can make charges on a credit card and make payments at a later date. When a person charges on their credit card, the charge is now a debt that must be paid.

Can you close your credit card account and continue to make payments?

No, what usaully takes place is that the credit card company freeze your credit card account and you continue to make payments

How do you make a Hatching Game like Dragon Cave?

You need to learn Php/html/Java script from what I know

Is paying off your credit card bad?

Only if you OWN the credit card company. Credit card debt is a silent killer. Make the choice to carry ZERO credit card debt.

How are java scripts added to the webpagegallery?

It order to add java scripts you have to import them at the start of the page. Writing <script src="location of js">, will make the scripts into the web page.

What is function in Java Script?

function in the scripting language can give an attribute to something to make it preform a task that you want it to handle.

How old is java script?

Javascript appeared in 1995, so that would make it 17 years old this year (2012).

Do credit card companies give a credit card to everybody?

Credit card companies have different requirements and qualifications. If you don't have enough proof that you can pay any loan that you will make through your credit card, your application will not be granted.

How does a lender use a credit card?

A lender can use a credit card in various different ways. They lender can issue the credit card and make money from the interest. The lender can also take credit card payments from the borrower.

Can someone pay you by transferring funds from their credit card to yours?

They cannot transfer funds from their credit card but they could make a check or cash payment to your credit card.

Who is written by java script?

This question doesn't make any sense. Do you mean who uses JavaScript? Or who created it? Or what JavaScript is useful for writing?