

How do you make a duct tape bag?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well, I have the EASIEST solution. A lot of people say you gotta have cardboard. That's a little much. To just make a simple pouch, here's what you do:

  1. Aquire the following things: two rolls of color contrast Duct Tape(let's say red and blue, and scissors for trimming. OPTIONAL: a spool of thread and a needle, liner fabric.
  2. Choose how wide you'd like your bag to be, then tear off a strip of blue duct tape that is your desired width.
  3. Fold it in half long ways. *The best way to do this is find the middle of the strip, then press down and fold JUST the middle point. Then you can flatten the two sides from the middle out. * If you have a better way, just be sure there aren't too many wrinkles.
  4. Next, tear off a strip of red duct tape that is the same width as the other. Stick it on the blue tape so that it covers half of it.
  5. Then, turn it over and fold over the red tape so that it covers half of the blue on the other side. *This will mean some of the red tape will be folded over onto itself.*
  6. Continue until the bag is your desired height. Then repeat all steps to make your other side (be sure to make the sides somewhat equal). Trim the edges.
  7. THIS IS ONLY A STEP FOR THE PEOPLE WITH NEEDLES, THREAD AND LINER FABRIC. Lay down each side together, then wrap a strip of duct tape around where they meet. Then, put your fabric over it and cut out the necessary amount. Stitch it on the very left, then the very right, then fold them together and duct tape the loose end. You may stitch the bottom.
  8. FOR THOSE WITHOUT OPTIONAL SUPPLIES: Put the two sides over each other, then duct tape the edges and bottom.

You see that? No hot gluing. No using up 7 rolls of tape just to make one side. Just a simple bag with simple instructions.

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13y ago
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