

How do you make a homade bed for a dog?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Well... I really don't know how to but I'm guessing that you take fabric and sew the sides. Next, Leave one side open and stuff it with stuffing. Then sew the opening you put the stuffing in. ENJOY!

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Q: How do you make a homade bed for a dog?
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How do you make my old dog comfortable?

Here are some tips - Make sure that your dog has a nice comfortable bed to lay in - Make sure that if it is winter that you have a blanket in his bed, imagine you sleeping in your bed without a blanket! - Make sure that the food you give him/her is suitable for your dog. - Make sure that your dog has some toys to call his own. - And most of all, he needs you!!!!

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It depends what is in it! Look up what are good foods for dogs... You should never feed your dog: Chocolate Grapes There are more, but I can't remember them.

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Well, u can't but the snow machine is much faster

Train your dog to sleep in a dog bed?

First, try sitting in the dog bed and having the dog sit next to you. Show the dog the bed is OK and it is ment for them. If your dog is 'food oriented' use treats to persuade the dog to the bed and keep it there. :)

How do you keep your dog off your bed?

you need to train them. i suggest doing the treat training for example: ~the dog is on the bed, you get a treat and motion your hand and voice to say "down" make sure that you say is assertively. ~the first time the dog gets off the bed make sure to reward them with a treat. ~keep doing this training until the dog knows that getting off the bed is a good thing and brings good things to them. good luck!

How do you get a dog of your bed for good?

Get a spray bottle,make sure it is cleaned out well.Fill with water and spray dog in face.When dog gets on bed spray in face again.May take a few times to get the idea,but its a good training feature.

What are the words that make up the prepositional phrase -The little dog shivered in its bed?

a preposition and object of preposition..i am not very sure though

Can you make a dog bed in minecraft?

Nope, if you want the dog to sit, just right click them.

How do you get dog out of your bed?

Treats. lure the dog off the bed into his bed with treats and when and if the dog gets back on your bed, scold him and put him back in his own bed and say stay. If he doesn't get back onto your bed give him a treat.

Who invented the first dog bed?

a dog

What should you do if your puppy ate his dog bed?

take him to the vets and get a new dog bed. simples.