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i respect my mom.

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Q: How do you make a question sentence using the word respect?
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A sentence that starts with Are It cant be a question or the definition?

Please can you make your question clearer. Are you talking about a sentence that starts with the word 'Are'? Or are you talking about a sentence that starts with the words 'Are it'? If you are talking about a sentence that starts with the word 'Are', such a sentence must be a question. If you are talking about a sentence that starts with the words 'Are it', such a sentence is ungrammatical. When you have made that clear, please also make it clear exactly what your question is with respect to the sentence. Then someone will be happy to help you. Thank you.

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A conventional question to help improve your vocabulary is to ask you to make a sentence using a word you have just learned.

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I have answered this question to improve your enlightenment