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it goes up in like in tens like 10 20 40 etc.....

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Q: How do you make a seismometer that measures actual earth vibration?
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Which instrument measures and records vibrations within the earth and on the earth surface?

This is known as a seismometer or seismograph.

Which instrument does not belong and why. Anemometer barometer thermometer seismometer?

The seismometer is the 'odd one out'. The other instruments measure factors to do with weather (wind speed, air pressure & temperature) - the seismometer measures movements in the Earth's crust.

Which instrument measures and records vibrations within the earth and on the earth's surface?

It is a "Seismograph". It "listens" to the vibrations, and draws out (with an inked needle) the tremors onto a piece of paper. A seismometer is what measures and records earthquakes. Many modern seismometers send their data directly electronically to computers, which record and automatically analyze that data instead of using the inked needle on paper.

What can scientists find out about the earth with a seismometer?

The perturbations in the bowels of the planet earth.

What is a seismographer?

Earthquakes generate seismic waves which can be detected with a sensitive instrument called a seismograph.It is an instrument that measures vibration in the Earth.

What can scientist find out about earth with a seismometer?

Earths atmosphere

Can you put the word seismometer in a sentence?

A Geologist uses a seismometer to measure earth tremors and movements, and to help predict a possible earthquake.

What does a seizmograph measure?

It measures vibrations of the ground . It records the vibration of Earth due to earthquakes, nuclear explosions or other sources that causes seismic action.

What is to the study of the earth as an X-ray machine is to the study of the human body?

The interior of the Earth can be studied by means of a seismometer.


the vibration of earth produced by the rapid release of energy

How did earthquakes get the name?

they named this natural disaster earthquakes because earth is the land and quake means vibration on earth together it means a vibration on the earth surface

What instrument measures earth vibrations?

Earthquakes generate seismic waves which can be detected with a sensitive instrument called a seismograph.Advances in seismograph technology have increased our understanding of both earthquakes and the Earth itself.Perhaps the earliest seismograph was invented in China A.D. 136 by a man named Choko.A seismograph or seismometerRichter scaleSeismometer or Seismograph.A seismometer or a seismograph is an instrument that measure the earths vibrations, or earths seismic waves. Seismic waves are vibrations that travel through the earth as a result of an event such as an earthquake.A seismographSeiseimographA seismometer or seismograph.