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Very often a theme 'comes about on its own,' the writer being unable to keep his own opinions out of the story.

If you wish to develop a theme in a story:

  1. Pick a situation in which the conflicts that you wish to engage. In the 'Lord of the Flies' Golding isolates a bunch of boy on a south seas island.
  2. Pick characters that possess the characteristics you wish to investigate. In 'Frankenstein' Shelly invents a character with all the best of human traits and no memory or experience.
  3. Manipulate the situation to engage those concepts that you wish to investigate. In 'Animal Farm' the first thing Orwell has his characters do is stage a revolt.
  4. Insinuate bit of philosophy into appropriate incidences. In 'WaterShip Down' Adams has Runner pray to the great spirit and the Spirit replies.
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first, know the theme.

second, write a statement about it.

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