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stick it in a bucket of meat :D

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Q: How do you make a toy smell like meat?
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is there a website were you can make your own plush toy like the bangaroos dolls from phineas and ferb

What does kerosene smell like?

What the smell reminds me of a bit of toy jelly dinosaurs, or of sticky hands. Those are normally made of vinyl or TPE. Kerosene however has a bid more of an acrid and vile smell, kinda burns the nose a bit.

Can you feed your toy poodle hamburger meat?

no because hamburger meat has preservatives which are harmful for dogs.

Does anyone make a fake goldfish that moves?

Yes, you can find a product like this in a toy store, in the bath toy section.

Should you put your penis in that?

Although this question doesn't make sense, I'll answer it anyway toy best understanding. You should only put your penis in clean places. Ex. Make sure the girls vagina is clean (if it isn't it'll smell like fish)

How does China make money for its country?

make toy and many other thing like electronic

If I had a guitar and I have a toy what would it make?

It will make a toy guitar

Do dogs go to new toys or old toys?

Dogs go to any toy that they they feel comfortable with. Usually they like to chew on them. Sometimes they like the new smell of a new ball though.

How can you construct your own toy?

The construction will depend on what toy you'd like to make. You could quite easily construct your own toy puppet by getting a clean sock and gluing two eyes on it.

Is it easy to make toy soldiers?

To create a toy soldier, a person needs a mold of different soldiers plus some type of molding material like clay. It's difficult for a regular person to make toy soldiers out of plastic though.

Since I like to collect toy soldiers, what are some sites that sell antique toy soldiers?

My uncle used to make toy soldiers. He would sell them to craft stores and vintage toy stores. I would suggest shopping at places like these because you can probably find handcrafted items.