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Ok well there's this box with all the trending topics

and well i remember one said #whodoyoulike well you just retype it excactly.

then you start typing whatever you want

by the way follow me I'm

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Q: How do you make a trending topic on Twitter?
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It represents that it is a trending topic (or that people are attempting to make it a trending topic)

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When you are on twitter and you see the trending topics how do you chat one one?

Type the trending topic into your tweet and it will automatically appear under the trending topic heading when you click on it.

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she is awesome

What does T T mean on Twitter?

'TT' stands for 'Trending Topic'.

What does TT mean on twitter?

TT means 'trending topic'. A trending topic is what the people on Twitter are mostly talking about.E.G. Person On Twitter: Puppies are cute!Another person: Puppies are cute!Then, if many people say that, it will show on the side of your Twitter page.Hope this helps! (:

What is the value of creating a trending topic on Twitter?

you get to be popular for a couple seconds i guess

Can you create a trending topic on Twitter?

Provided you have a billion followers, sure. A trending topic is created if many, many people post about the same topic - most of Twitter, basically.Assuming that you have a billion followers, just post a tweet like "Hey, let's make #somehashtag into a trending topic!", and your followers should do the work for you.If you do not have a billion followers, you'll need to both think of a topic worth trending, and get people to know about it. If your topic is interesting, and you have followers, you can just tweet about it a bit and it should spread around through Twitter, follower to follower.You can also get a trending topic by doing something interesting in real life. Notice, for example, that Halo ODST trended around its release. If you create something really popular, it may trend.

How do you see the tending topics on Twitter?

When you search for a topic you can save the search.

Why was Justin Bieber banned from Twitter?

He was banned from trending as Twitter thought it was unfair for him to be trending every day.

What is the most trending thing on Twitter today?

You should check on Twitter.

How do you make a TT on Twitter?

If you wish to start a trending topic then the best way to do so is to send a tweet stating what you want the trend to be and hopefully your followers will think it's a good idea and also use your phrase, word etc that you want to trend. The more people that use it, the bigger the chance of it trending.