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first of all get a small bag that is big enough to fit everything you need. Here are some things you might want to put in there:

1- Some pads/tampons, you never know when you're gonna get your period

2- chapstick/lipgloss or something to keep your lips nice and soft.

3- Tissues, they sell packs that are about the size of a credit card.

4-Hand sanitizer.

5- Food, stuff that doesnt need refrigeration and doesnt spoil fast like granola bars, for those days when you forget your lunch money, thrown in a watter bottle too.

6- Hairband, hair pins and make-up(if you wear it), just in case when you are a bit late.

7-Medication for Allergies or stuff like that.

8-A pen/pencil (ONLY for an emergency)

9-An extra set of keys

10- Money, between 5-10 dollars.

11- Clothes like a t-shirt or a pair of jeans( make sure they match with pretty much anything), trust me you dont want to walk arround school all day long with a huge orange soda stain on your white shirt. During the winter time have a pair of gloves/mittens, the weather changes without warning.

12-(This one is not exatcly a need but you never know when it will come on handy) A camera, if you life is exiting you wnat to make sure you capture those moments.

Thats all i can think of, i know it might seem like way to much but you never know when you're going to need it.

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Q: How do you make an emergency kit for a teen girl?
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