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Depends. You could have it make a new object, for bullets as an example, you could have it make a line, for lasers as an example, you could have it do all sorts of things.

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Q: How do you make an object shoot in game maker 7?
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A sprite cannot do anything. If you meant "How do you make anobject shoot in game maker 7?" then it's easy.Create an object for your bullet and give it a sprite. Then in the object you want to shoot the bullet add a "create instance with motion" actionwith the bullet specified.Alternatively you could use a "create instance" action and then add an on creation, "move" action to the bullet.

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A sprite cannot contain code.

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Create a bullet object and then use Create Moving Instance (I think that's what it's called)Should hopefully soon be merged with How_do_you_make_a_player_shoot_in_a_Game_Maker_gameUntil then, check out the answer over there.

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Je moeder is gay.

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use the instance_create function

How do you make a player shoot in a Game Maker?

Create a bullet object and then use Create Moving Instance (I think that's what it's called)Should hopefully soon be merged with How_do_you_make_a_player_shoot_in_a_Game_Maker_gameUntil then, check out the answer over there.

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First Make a Sprite of the question make it an object, same with the answer

How do you make an object fly in game maker 7?

Have it move without gravity keeping it on the ground.

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with (instance_create(x,y,objecttobecreatedbehind)){depth = objectinfront.depth + 1;}

How do you make a object move towards another using Game Maker?

in code:move_towards_point(object.x,object.y,speed)

How do you shoot a laser on game maker 8?

You can use the geometric line functions to make a 'laser'. Check if the obj_enemy collides with the laser-line.