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Hold shift and press a button on the keyboard that has 2 things written on it. Example: shift+4=$ dollar sign.

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Q: How do you make any cool looking thing on a keyboard?
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If your looking for a keyboard that doesn't even click when you type you want a rubber role up keyboard, they are damage proof and silent.

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(░) Thats the closest thing to a cookie that i could make :3

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One may find the answer on how to make the Illuminati symbol on a keyboard by looking up a list of ALT commands. ALT commands are command prompts used with the alt key on the keyboard and numbers or letters.

What is parkour dance?

I don't think there is such thing as Parkour Dance. You might be referring to Tricking, which is a mix of martial arts and gymnastics, where the trickers (or tricksters) combine kicks and flips to make a really cool looking thing. As far as I know there is no such thing as Parkour Dancing.

Why does petting your keyboard scare people?

Petting your keyboard might scare people because petting your keyboard is sort of an odd or unusual thing to do. Petting the computer might make it seem like you believe that the computer or keyboard is alive.

How do you make cool stuff on girlsense?

Try looking at YouTube videos. They help a lot!

What is the weight of a computer keyboard in grams?

It depends on the make, model and materials. If you want a definite answer perhaps you can place the keyboard on a reasonably accurate scale. The average weight of a Modern Keyboard is around 900g. So in theory your looking to base your answer around this.

Why is a thing cold?

a thing is not cold...there is no such thing of cold..its the absence of heat....let me explain...think about it. the sun is out and shiny and u are playing tenis out side and the sun goes be hind the clouds and it gets cool but what makes it cool...what ro substances can u put to gether to make coldnes...NOTHING!!! isn't that wild....putting carbon and gas to gether make heat but what makes time clearify you're answer to get what u r looking for

Do they make iPod touch slide out keyboard cases?

No there is no such a thing of out keyboard cases for ipod touch. Nd pleas never jailbreak your ipod touch caus it makes it slower nd stupid