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But it special hamster 'chocolate' drops, don't give it human chocolate.

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Q: How do you make chocolate safe for hamsters?
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Can hamsters eat chocolatte?

Chocolate is toxic to hamsters. NEVER feed chocolate to hamsters!

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Can hamsters and humans go on the same diet?

no they can not hamsters can eat mostly anything apart from chocolate which melts in their pouches and citrus which gives them tummy aches. the only chocolate that they can eat is the special chocolate you can get for hamsters. hope i have helped xx

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What should you do if your hamster ate chocolate?

hamsters cant eat chocolate because it will make them quite ill but it depends on how much he or she ate. im not quite sure but it might kill them so dont let ur hamster eat chocolate. but if you hamster eats chocolate then yes again it will make them ill or die. just to be safe, check on him or her tonight but if u see her acting quite strange take her the vet.

Why shouldn't hamsters eat chocolate?

it gives them diarea

Can hamsters eat dogfood?

probobly not but they like chocolate digestivs

Are hamsters herbavores?

Yes they are , they can eat green but not lettuce or chocolate.

Do hamsters eat chocolate?

no. just like dogs, it is a poison to them.

What treats can't people feed hamsters?

poison , chocolate

Is chocolate healthy for hamsters iv got hamsters and i really want to know Christmas present?

Yes, Chocolate can cause very bad stomach problems in a hamster's tiny stomach.

Can hamsters eat human chocolate?

No they can not it will kill them but you can get special hamster chocolate from all good pet shops.