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It is impossible unless the temperature drops below freezing at night.

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Q: How do you make ice in the desert with just a bowl and water?
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Where does a plant that live in the destert get its water?

It rains in the desert, just not very often. So desert plants make every little bit if water that they get last until it rains again.

How does a gerbil get its water?

a gerbil gets its water from a bottle, cup, bowl, or any water supply you have. Gerbils don't drink much water because they're desert animals, but you still need to make sure it's always available.

Can you make a hole in bowl of water?

Yes, but the water will spill out.

How can I make slime with germ x and water?

You don't need water just pour it in a bowl then mix it put it in the fridge for 2 hours and then mix again

How can you make sure you have water when crossing a desert?

you can pack extra water

How do you fill a bowl of water on runescape?

Get/Make a bowl, then use it either on a sink, tap or a fountain to fill it up with water.

How can you make sure you have water when crossing the desert?

Take it with you! Make sure you have at least one gallon of water per person for each day you plan to be in the desert.

How do running water and plumbing make desert life easier?

It helps people in the desert to have fresh water, and they do not have to dig for ever to make a well or something and the people in the desert will wake up and know that they have fresh water running through pipes.

Are you not supposed to pee to conserve water if in the desert?

Peeing in the desert will not do anything to conserve water. Not peeing will only make the person very uncomfortable.

How do plants in the desert make food?

Plants in the desert use photosynthesis to make food just like any of the plant in the world.

How do you clean a circular fish bowl?

This is for betta fish but you can use it for other fish too but why would you keep a fish in a bowl tha's not a betta? Betta are the only fish that can stay in a bowl: When you first get the fish clean out the bowl (make sure there's no dust or anything). How to clean the bowl the first time: At the first time you need completely new water for the fish. Wipe the bowl and make sure it doesn't have dust, residue, or anything dirty make it super clean and shiny. You'll need to put warmish water into the bowl and add water cleaner so it doesn't harm the fish. You can buy water cleaner from your local pet store (the one you got the fish from). And your bowl is ready to go. Second time cleaning the bowl: Make sure you have a container to put your fish in when you clean the water. It has to be big enough so your fish can swim in it. Now you take just a little bit of the old water and keep it for the bowl after. Okay, now you take the fish out with a net and put it in a container with water in it. Now you take out the extra water in the bowl that has poop in it and stuff and put it down the sink or something. Then you clean the bowl if you have to and add water wih water cleaner into the bowl. Also leave some room for the old water from the bowl before it was cleaned so the betta doesn't get shocked or anything from the water change. Then, add water cleaner to the bowl again. Now take your fish out of the container with the net and put your fish back to where he was. That's about it. And also after a few weeks change ALL of the water and keep it warmish. If you change the water temperature to cold right away he'll go into shock for the change of temperature! hope I helped :)

How can you clean clody water in a fish tank?

if you just bought the fish let the water in the bowl sit out for about 24hours before putting it in. But make sure that your water has no chlorine in it. NO tap water. If you use tap water you have to get water cleaning drops for the tank.