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Q: How do you make oregano and malunggay ointment?
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How do you make a Malunggay an Ointment?

to do malunggay ointment just chop malunggay....and then pure it thats all :p....

What are the uses of malunggay leaves extract?

The malunggay leaf extract has several uses. It is used as an ointment and can be used in treating diabetes.

Scope and delimitation of malunggay?

- Malunggay Disinfectant - Malunggay as Regualar Cooking Oil - Malunggay as Cleaning Agent - Malunggay as Ointment - Malunggay as Shampoo - Malunggay as Herbal Tea - Malunggay as Rice Coffee there are many possible investigatory projects.

How the malunggay make a shampoo and soap?

how to make malunggay soap?

How can you make malunggay a healing ointment?

1. Get enough Malunggay Leaves that you can use for the day. 2. Wash it with water. 3. Use mortar and pestle to crush, grind the malunggay leaves or if you have a blender you can use that. I personally use the blender at home. I just add half a glass to 1 glass of warm water, then blend the Malunggay Leaves. 4. Apply the malunggay juice on the face for 10 minutes or more. 5. You can also create a Malunggay Mask using tissue paper. I'll teach you how to do it below.

Is it possible to make coffee from malunggay seeds?

Traditional coffee can't be made with malunggay seeds. Many people make a hot beverage with malunggay leaves as an alternative to coffee and call it malunggay coffee, but it is more like a tea.

How do you make Malunggay Cooking Oil and what are the Instructions?

A person can make malunggay cooking oil by combining coconut oil and malunggay leaves. The oil is used in many recipes and is said to ward against cancer.

Ways in preserving malunggay?

what are the foods that we can get from malunggay? what are the foods that we can get from malunggay?

Malunggay ice cream recipe?

Foods made from malunggay include certain breads, vegetarian noodles, cookies and tea. Malunggay is a herb providing nutrients and medicinal benefits to increase energy and relaxation.

How do you make a malunggay a medicine?

ambot nimo teh.....

How do you making malunggay coffee?

The method to make Malunggay coffee .Malunggay produces a leaf that must be used within 3 days. Use clean coffee pot and quality filters and good coffee.

What can be cured by malunggay leaves?

how important is the malunggay leaves Malunggay leaves have the ability to make forced diuresis...especially for those who have diuretic comes from the powder of the malunggay LEAVES...Moringa oleifera has the ability to be antiasthmatic...for more information please go to this website: ...:-)