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Q: How do you make record file in c language?
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Can you add record in middle of the file in c language?

The standard C library-functions do not support record-oriented file-access.Neither do the common operating systems like Windows and Unix.So basically the answer is no.

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In UNIX: use function chmod

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In simple words, it is the conversion of a high level language to an assembly level language. In C, it is the conversion of a .c file to a .s file

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It is a collection of various fuction in which we can define many function in Libaray file .

What is fwrite function in c language?

writes data to a FILE* stream.

How do you read the number of capital letters in a input file using c language?

#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> ... int caps = 0; int c; file = fopen ("InputFile", "r"); while ((c = fgetc (file)) != EOF) { if (isupper (c)) ++caps; } fclose(file); ...

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What are different input and output functions in C?

The C programming language provides many standard library functions for file input and output. These functions make up the bulk of the C standard library header <stdio.h>. The I/O functionality of C is fairly low-level by modern standards; C abstracts all file operations into operations on streams of bytes, which may be "input streams" or "output streams". Unlike some earlier programming languages, C has no direct support for random-access data files; to read from a record in the middle of a file, the programmer must create a stream, seek to the middle of the file, and then read bytes in sequence from the stream.

How do you remove record file in linked list by using C?

You need to make the previous record's next pointer point to the record you are removing's next record, and (if it is a doubly linked list) the next record's previous pointer point to the record you are removing's previous record. If you are keeping track of the head and/or tail of the list, you need to make sure you update them if you have just removed one of them.

How do you createe a file using c language?

Use function open or creat or fopen.