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Tea is made by steeping tea leaves or tea bags in hot water, allowing them to infuse until the desired strength is achieved.

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Q: How do you make tea in passive voice?
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How do you write a paragraph in passive voice about how to make tea?

To write in passive voice, you put the actor (subject) second. Active - Sammy made tea. Passive - The tea was made by Sammy. Passive voice often has the word by before the actor. Note: Instead of I made tea, you would need to write, "The tea was made by me." About how to make tea, think about the precise steps to make tea. Put these in chronological order. Write about each step, but in passive voice.

What is the passive voice of I do not like tea.?

Tea is not liked by me.

What is the voice it is time to take a tea?

It is an active voice sentence. Its passive voice is, "It is time for tea to be taken."

What is the passive voice of this sentence. it is time to take tea?

it is time tea should be taken or tea to be taken.

Is what do you prefer to be called by active or passive voice?

"to be called" is passive, but "what do you prefer" is active. To make "to be called" active, you could say "what do you prefer that others call you?" To make "what do you prefer" passive, you would say "what is preferred by you..."

Passive voice of ''what do you do''?

The passive voice of ''what do you do'' is "what is done by you?"

Who are you in passive voice?

"Your name is not known by me." is passive voice.

When do you use active voice?

We usually speak in the active voice.The workers pick the tea and pack it into boxes.But if it is not necessary to know who did the action (verb) then the passive voice can be used.The tea is picked and packed into boxes.

How do you change passive voice into active voice?

To change passive voice to active voice, identify the object of the passive sentence and make it the subject of the active sentence. Then, identify the subject of the passive sentence and make it the object of the active sentence. Finally, rewrite the sentence using the active verb form. For example, "The book was read by John" (passive) can be changed to "John read the book" (active).

Were dumped active or passive voice?

Passive voice

Do not make a noise change into passive voice?

A noise is not to be made.

Do it know change into passive voice?

Can it be changed into passive voice?