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To make the sign of the cross before the Gospel is a sign of respect for God and his Son. To make the sign of the cross, touch the top of your head when saying "Father", your lower shoulder when saying "Son", the left shoulder when saying "holy", and the right shoulder when saying "spirit."

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Q: How do you make the sign of the cross before the gospel?
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Why sign do Catholics make before the Gospel?

When the Gospel is announced, Catholics make a small sign of the cross on their foreheads, their lips, and their chest.

What do people do before the gospel?

Before the Gospel the congregation may make the sign of the cross on their forehead, lips and over their hearts. This shows that they are open to the Gospel with their mind, words and heart. Learnt It in School. #Year8

Why does the priest make the sign of the cross in the gospel book before proclaiming the gospel?

The priest makes the sign of the cross on the gospel book as a sign of reverence and to ask for God's blessing before proclaiming the gospel, which is the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is a gesture of respect for the Word of God and a way of seeking divine guidance in sharing the message with the faithful.

How many times do you make the sign of the cross in mass?

The sign of the cross is made multiple times during a Catholic mass. It is typically done at the beginning and end of the mass, before and after the Gospel reading, at the beginning and end of the Prayers of the Faithful, and during the blessing at the end of the mass.

Why don't born again Christians make the sign of the cross?

There is nothing in the Bible that says a Christian has to make the sign of the cross. Making the sign of the cross is a man made tradition and has no Biblical basis or meaning. Additionally, some 'born again' Christians do make the sign of the cross.

How do you say the sign of the cross the long way?

To make the sign of the cross the "long way," you begin by touching your forehead, then your chest, followed by your left shoulder and then your right shoulder. This is often used in Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic traditions.

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When a stop sign if there is no white line where do you stop?

Well you would simply stop before the sign, meaning that there is an imaginary stop-line that extends from any stop sign, and you must stop before you cross that line.

Why do catholics dip there hand in water on there way in the church?

Since we are entering a sacred place, many will make the sign of the cross before entering church, and the water they sign with has been blessed. We use water as a sign of new life with and in Jesus so that we might be will be spiritually renewed.

Why is the sign of the cross made on the forehead when someone is confirmed?

.Catholic AnswerThe Sign of the Cross made on someones forehead in Church is to claim that person for Christ. It is done when a child is brought into the Church before they are baptized as well.

What do you do when you enter a church?

Dip your fingers in the holy water font and make the Sign of the Cross.

What is sign for time out?

The sign for "time out" in American Sign Language is to make the letter 'T' with both hands and then cross your wrists to show a pause or break in activity.