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if you coat your arms with ketchup it seems to make them super blonde, the smell doesn't really smell pleasant but it's all worth it on how much it works!!

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Q: How do you make your arm hairs lighter?
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How do you make your arm hair lighter naturally?

If you use hydrogen peroxide it works great!

What does it mean when the hairs on your arm stand up?

it means that ur cold and ur skin is trying to make u warmer

Can you make the hairs on your arm stand on ends?

No, and the muscle that controls the movement is the piloerector muscle. See piloerector which are smooth muscle (involuntary)

What are the hairs on your arm for?

Early times it was for warmth. It also serves to the protect the arm. It is also a sensing mechanism.

How do you make dark arm hair look lighter?

You can use sun in or lemon juice on your arms. Either one makes dark arm hair really light

Can you make the hairs on your arm stand on end?

Standing hair is caused by the tiny muscle that connects the hair to the follicle. This muscle is called the arrector pili.

Can tanning make the hairs on you leg turn a lighter blonder color?

Just like the hair on your head, yes, the rays of the sun can bleach hair on the rest of your body.

What type of muscle makes hairs on arm stand on end?

pilierector muscle

Age of growing under arm hairs?

The age at which one starts puberty.

Should you be embarrassed of your arm hairs?

Well, it's all about how you feel.I have really thick, dark hairs on my arms. I was embarrassed at first but, I bleach it and everything's okay.

Why do the hairs on your arm stand up when they come into contact with a balloon?

static electricity static electricity

Can you get herpes from ingrown hairs?

yes, yes you can, it is very painful, it happened to my arm, eyebrow and toe