

How do you make your dog vicious?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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12y ago

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First you need to train them to be vicious at a young age no matter what kind of breed or gender. Second u need to let the dog get to know everybody that you want it to know mainly the people yo stay with. Thrid you need to feed he/she regular dog food with a mixture of hot sauce and beans. The hot sauce is for the vicious part and the beans are to make them buff or stocky. Last but not least ir you keep this process going you will have a protective/vicious dog on your hands.

NOTE; If you have a breed of a pitbull, rottwiler, or german sheperd this process will take no longer then 2 weeks.

PS; Kids dont try this!

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no they are not they are the oppisite of vicious they are they most loving cute funny and soft dog i have ever had!!

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In my opinion there isn't a most vicious dog, but from what background it comes from or from how it is brought up, or being treated badly. I have seen myself some vicious dogs and they come from bad background.

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Vicious is an adjective in a sentence.He snarled like a vicious animal.Being vicious isn't very nice. Try being polite.That dog is too vicious. Put it down.

How do yo get your dog to be vicious?

Why would you want to make your dog vicious? Isn't there already plenty of evil in the world without adding to it by destroying a naturally decent creature? ***** Agreed! Turning a pet dog vicious is cruel and irresponsible at best, and possibly illegal besides. Do you want to be responsible for the possible death of an innocent child and the possibility of your dog having to be euthanized? If you don't want to properly safeguard the life of your pet, you shouldn't have one. I sincerely hope you are not a dog owner.