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most horses don't buck when they leave walk but if it does sit it out and kick it forward while it bucks until it stops then have a break of walking round and try again until the horse realises you will keep going until it does it right,when it does praise it lots

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Q: How do you make your horse go faster than a walk without bucking you?
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This has happened alot to me, and from personal experience, I can truthfully say there is no way to really make a young horse stop bucking when it's running. The only thing you can do is try to hold on and pull their head up every chance you get.

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I don't think you can make your horse grow faster. Do you mean make it older? You can take care of it, put it to bed, and then under that it says "Age my horse" click that and it will be two months older.

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How do you make your horse go faster on my horse club?

On my horse club, it was a problem for me too. I think that you use EITHER the arrow keys, or your mouse. Another user: You use the arrow keys to make your horse go faster. The up arrow to go faster, the down arrow to go slower. You steer using the mouse. (I wish you could use arrow keys for that too!!!) Hope this helped!

How do you get your horse to go faster in Horse Academy?

They need to get endurance. You should work with them a lot. Make sure they trust you. Then start working your horse by riding them in arenas and round pens. if your horse is calm you can even take them out and ride them on trails. Really the only way to get your horse to go faster is build up their endurace by riding them as much as you can. But be sure that you are not hurting the horse. Do not make him work to hard at first build them up or you will only hurt the horse.

Is a black horse faster than a puma dog?

This isn't exactly answering your question but it doesnt make difference in what colour a horse is