

Horse Behavior

Horse behavior refers to the basic behavior of a horse as a prey animal with a well-developed fight-or-flight instinct. Their first basic response to a threat is to escape, though some instances where flight is untenable, horses are known to stand their ground and defend for themselves.

482 Questions

How long can a hores live?

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Horses typically live between 25 to 30 years. However, with advancements in veterinary care, nutrition, and overall management, some horses can live into their early 30s or even longer. Factors such as breed, genetics, and the quality of care they receive throughout their lives can significantly influence their lifespan.

Are horses scared of thunder and lightning?

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Horses can be scared of thunder and lightning due to their natural instincts as prey animals. The loud noises and bright flashes can startle and stress them. It is important to ensure their safety during storms by providing a secure shelter for them to seek refuge.

How do horses act when they are fisrt being trained?

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When horses are first being trained, they may show signs of confusion, hesitancy, or fear. They may be unsure about what is being asked of them and may exhibit behaviors such as bolting, bucking, or refusing to cooperate. It's important for trainers to be patient, consistent, and understanding during this initial training period.

What kind of Behavioral Adaptations does a horse have?

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Horses have behavioral adaptations such as being social animals that live in herds to improve their safety and communication. They also have a flight response to flee from potential threats quickly. Furthermore, horses use body language and vocalizations to convey information and establish their social hierarchy within the herd.

What is oestrus?

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Oestrus, also known as estrus, is the period in the sexual cycle of female mammals when they are sexually receptive and able to conceive. It is characterized by hormonal changes that result in behavioral and physical signs indicating fertility. Oestrus cycles vary in duration and frequency among different species.

Could hormone imbalance be directly related to an overactive thyriod?

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Yes, hormone imbalance can be directly related to an overactive thyroid. An overactive thyroid, known as hyperthyroidism, can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body by increasing the production of thyroid hormones. This can lead to symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heart rate, and anxiety.

What does LB stand for in LB agar?

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LB stands for Lysogeny Broth, which is a nutrient-rich medium used for cultivating bacteria. LB agar is a solidified form of this medium, containing agar to solidify the liquid broth for bacterial growth.

How does prison life affect an individual?

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Prison life can have negative impacts on an individual's mental health due to factors like isolation, limited freedoms, and stress. It may also affect their relationships, job opportunities, and overall well-being long after they are released from prison. Additionally, the experience of incarceration can lead to increased chances of re-offending due to the challenges of reintegration into society.

How do you assemble a cardboard stand up?

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To assemble a cardboard stand-up, first lay out all the pieces and follow the instructions provided. Fold along the creased lines, insert tabs into slots, and secure with tape or adhesive as needed. Once fully assembled, stand the cardboard stand-up upright and adjust as needed for stability.

You were sleeping the other night you normally lay on your stomach while you sleep while you were sleeping it felt as if someone was holding you down in your sleep you couldnt move it was like you wer?

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It sounds like you may have experienced sleep paralysis, a phase where you are partially awake but unable to move or speak. This can be accompanied by feelings of pressure, fear, or a sense of a presence in the room. It is a common and usually temporary experience, often linked to stress or disrupted sleep patterns. If it persists or causes distress, consider talking to a healthcare professional for further guidance.

How do you be obedient?

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To be obedient, it is important to listen carefully to instructions, follow directions without question, and show respect for authority figures. Consistently practicing good communication and showing a willingness to cooperate can also help demonstrate obedience in various situations.

How many feet are on the ground when horses are running?

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Horses are measured in hands not feet, but you can always break down the hands measurement into feet and inches. Keep in mind one hand is 4 inches.

Horses range on average from 14.3 to 17 hands tall, but can get taller than this (ponies are 14.2 hands and under, as it is a height designation.)

So this means a 14.3 hand horse is 4'11" and a 17 hand horse is 5'8" at the withers.

An interesting side note. The worlds smallest horse, a dwarf miniature horse is Thumbelina at just 17 inches or 1'5" (4.1 hands), while the tallest horse on record is Big Jake a Belgian draft horse that stands 20.2 3/4 hands which is 82.75 inches or 6'10 3/4" at the withers.

Why do horses kick humans and dogs?

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They can't see you. Also, they are prey. If you are standing behind them, they will not know if you are a predator trying to eat you so it will use one of it's do defense mechanismes. If you are longer, it will run. If it can't run, it will kick you

Does gelding slow down a horse?

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No, gelding is a surgery done to castrate male horses that are unsuitable for breeding in one form or another. Horses unlike humans will not feel bad about having something removed from their bodies, nor will it typically harm a horse.

What sound does horses make when they are frightened?

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A horse can make several sounds when distressed, a groan, a grunt, maybe even a squeal.

Squeals are made when something hurts or scares the horse.

Grunts and groans are done typically to express pain. This is normally accompanied by pinned ears and a pained expression. Groans are made by air vibrating against the vocal cords when the diaphragm is being bear down upon.

Are horses herbivores or predators?

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A horse is a herbivore, they eat grass, fruits, vegetable's, and other plant matter.

How can you stop a horse from rubbing its tail and making parts of it bald?

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Hair eating is often linked to a mineral deficiency, but it can stem from boredom. Pat Coleby recommends seaweed meal, also known as kelp meal, in her book Natural Horse Care.

Feeding kelp meal can limit or eliminate some unwanted behaviors including mane and tail chewing, wood chewing and even cribbing because of its naturally high and balanced levels of minerals. I have used it for years and seen huge improvements in my horses.

How good for a horse is 5 out of 10 on the temperament scale?

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I'm assuming you're talking about online horse advertisements (like the ones found on,, and similar sites)

5 would be in the middle of the scale of 1-10, meaning that the horse is about in the middle of extremely calm and extremely excitable. This would be a horse for an intermediate to experienced rider willing to spend time working with a more difficult horse.

How do you stop your horse from throwing his head around?

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Make the fence taller so he can't. If on a budget a few strands of barb wire will get the job done. Better yet is hot wire, he'll learn after about 2 trys. And if your horse is a cribber, or even if he's not and he's just obsessively resting his throat on a fence, try a cribbing collar. And you may want to observe what;s so interesting on the other side of the fence that has his attention and relocate it. :)

Do horses have pointy ears?

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Cows don't have pointed or round ears they have oval shaped ears.

How do you train a horse to be ground tied?

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This can take some time. With the horse saddled and bridled up, also put a halter on it, tie a rope to the halter and to a weight, get on and then off and walk a few feet away. The horse will try to walk off but will have to drag the weight. Now if you want to be really careful you can tie a longer rope also that you can hold so the horse wont take off running if spooked by the weight. When you dismount always take the reins down or off over the horses head and drop them so they touch the ground. If the horse really drags the weight you need to find a heavier one. Let the horse wonder awhile and then mount up again. Do this several times and each time walk off a little further for a little longer and soon your horse will get the idea. As soon as your horse does not move the weight, you can lighten it a bit until you are only using the reins for a weight. Now this will take maybe days to teach. Be patient, your horse may have to drag the weight until it gets tired of it. This will work. *

How do you get a lazy pony to move?

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You could use a Lunge Whip i have 2 Horse's myself and one of mine is very lazy so we just get a nice big lunge Whip

The noise makes them alert and should make them go into canter

If this does not work i cant help you

Does a horse drink water through its nose?

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technically they grind food back and forth on occasion they chew with their lips curled up.

Why do horses raise their tail?

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Either because their breed makes them hold it high naturally, or they are going to get rid of waste or gas.

Do horse foals cry when they are young?

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No. Horses (and foals) cannot 'cry' but they can call to their mothers and the horses surrounding them. They can call out in pain, fear, excitement, nervousness, etc...