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Q: How do you make your own proverb?
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From which Proverb verse is "Virtue is its own reward take from?"

What is the meaning of the proverb self help is the best help?

The general meaning of the proverb is that when it comes to solving your own problems, you are the best person to do that. The French have a equivalent proverb: Help yourself and God will help you.

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Virtue is its own reward taken from which proverb Bible verse?

What is the proverb of don't blow your own trumpet?

Don't blow your own horn, it means not to brag about yourself.

What does the proverb everyone has their own agenda mean?

It means that everyone has their own way of doing things. They have their own motives and they do things for a reason.

Speech on cleanliness is next to godliness?

u can add your own words & form a proverb

Is talk is cheap an idiom or a proverb?

'Talk is cheap' is a proverb; a proverb is a little story with a moral message. An idiom is a phrase that makes no sense unless you already know the definition - this phrase does make perfect sense.

What was the proverb used in Inherit the Wind?

The proverb used in the play "Inherit the Wind" is "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind." This line implies that those who bring chaos and conflict to their own lives will ultimately gain nothing of real value.

According to an old proverb when should you make hay?

When the sun shines

How do you spell proverb?


What does the proverb ''the hyena cannot smell its own stench'' mean?

It means that a person is often not aware of his or her own faults, no matter how obvious they appear to others.

What does the proverb don't make waves mean?

do not disturb don't gather attention...