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There are several ways to do this. The easiest way is just to type the command 'CD', which automatically puts you in your home directory. Other ways:


CD ~

CD ~login-id (use your login-id here)

If you know the absolute path name, just use it with the 'CD' command:

CD /home/staff/guy1

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Using the 'cd' command can move you in a relative fashion up or down in the current tree. Using 'cd ..' moves you up a level from your home directory. If specified as 'cd ../bin' the command moves from your home directory to your local bin directory, etc.

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Q: How do you move to your home directory using a relative path name?
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When you want to move up the folder tree when using a relative path you use a single period?

No. Single period (.) represents the current directory. double dots (..) is to go "up" (to the parent).

What does CD means in Linux os?

If by "CD" you mean the linux terminal command "cd", it stands for "change directory". It allows you to move from one directory to another. It's basically the same as Window's cd / will take you to the very first directory, which is the root directory. (Do not confuse this with /root directory)cd .. will take you one directory upcd ~ will take you to your (currently logged in user's) home directory, which is, (/home/)cd - will take you back to where you were before you change directories.

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"cd /" will move the user to the root directory, assuming the user has permission to move to this directory, and the user has not been chroot'ed to a specific directory (which will cause "cd /" to move the user to that named directory, instead of the system's root).

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Most common mistake for this is when a link is absolute when it should be relative. Relative means that the path is relative to the current directory the file is in. For example, let's say we have a folder named "web" and inside "web" we have another folder called "pages". Now, in the folder "web" we have a "index.html" file and inside the "pages" we have a "home.html" file. If we want to link from "index.html" to "home.html" using relative path we would use: Home If we want to link from "home.html" to "index.html" using relative path we would use: Index ".." indicates a parent folder. If we wanted to move two parent folders we would use "../.." . Relative paths help us for exactly that reason, it doesn't matter where your file is as long as you can find it relatively to a particular file.

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Yes. That is what braces are for. It takes a while, but they do move.

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You can use "xcopy" command. mkdir - to create a directory. move - to move one or more files in a new location.

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1. The most straightforward way to create a create a subdirectory in the current directory is mkdir name where name is the name of the new directory. 2. Another way is to move a directory and its descendants from somewhere else: mv path name where path is an absolute or relative pathname for an existing directory hierarchy, and name is the directory name it will be given in the current directory. 3. Various utilities for unpacking archives may create directories as they execute; for example cpio, tar, unzip etc.

Can a 13 year old move out?

no, if life is unbearable at home, speak with an adult or relative that you trust, hopefully they can help you with your situation.

Can you move out at the age of 16 and move into a stable home that's not a relative in GA?

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