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Its probably a matter of life and death for him/her. Many alcoholics need the meetings to retain some balance in their lives. The meetings are a support network for alcoholics and give them the opportunity to hear how other recovering alcoholics are handling the problems that so many of us encounter in our lives, without having to drink. It's a forum where they can share each other's experience,strength and hope.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2d ago

It's important to have open and honest communication with your partner about their commitment to AA meetings. You can express your support for their recovery journey and ask how you can help them stay motivated to attend meetings regularly. It may also be helpful to attend a meeting with them to better understand their experience and show your support.

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What alleles would the offspring have if both parents are pure a or pure A?

If the parents are both AA, which results in the cross AA X AA, then the offspring will all be AA. If both parents are AA, resulting in the cross AA X AA, then all offspring will be AA. If BOTH parents are Aa, resulting in the cross Aa X Aa, then the offspring will be 25% AA, 50% Aa, and 25% AA. This is only true if the alleles are not sex-linked.

Suppose a women with normal colored skin and having an albino mother married an albino man What would be the genotype of the woman?

The woman's genotype would be heterozygous for the albino gene, as she would inherit one normal gene from her father and one albino gene from her mother. Therefore, her genotype would be Aa, where "A" represents the normal gene and "a" represents the albino gene.

How can you get a true breeding plant?

You can obtain a true-breeding plant by repeatedly self-pollinating a plant that consistently produces offspring with the same characteristics as the parent. This ensures that the desired traits are consistently passed on without variation.



Can two white people have an albino baby?

Albinism is a recessive trait, meaning that an albino person has the genotype AA, while a person who isn't albino has the trait Aa or AA. Two albino people (AA x AA) will have all albino children. Aa x AA will have a 50% probability of albino children, and 50% normal children who are carriers (Aa). AA x AA will have all normal children who are carriers (Aa). Aa x Aa will have 25% AA (normal/non carriers), 25% AA (albino), and 50% Aa (normal/carriers) offspring. AA x AA will have all normal children who are not carriers (AA).*A person who has the genotype Aa is a carrier because they carry the allele (a) for albinism but they are not albino. The allele (A) is dominant so it covers the (a) allele.

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What are the Types of AA Meetings?

Closed” vs. β€œOpen” Meetings Meetings of the A.A. might be open or closed. Anyone, including AA members and non-members, is welcome during open meetings. This is the greatest approach to understand more about AA—what it is, what it does, and if this recovery program is right for you. Speaker meetings are frequently open, while discussion meetings are occasionally open. Closed meetings are exclusively open to AA members or potential AA members. Discussion groups are sometimes closed, as are 12-step studies. Closed sessions can aid in the development of a sense of safety during the healing process.

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Astrology classes & AA meetings pal =)(AA meetings in wealthy neighborhoods that is...)

How many people attend AA meetings?

It is estimated that over 2 million people around the world attend AA meetings.

Can you have alcoholic anonymous meetings in a house?

Yes. Anyone can have AA meetings ANYWHERE.

Are there any AA meetings for professional people?

AA meetings are for people of any Socio-economic status. Alcoholism is not restricted to any one group.

Are there any AA meetings in London where children are welcomed?

Children are welcome at any open AA meeting. Call your intergroup office for a list of open meetings near you.

What are some options for attending AA meetings online?

There are a few online AA meetings. However, it is best to attend AA meetings in person. This is because it helps to talk out one's feelings about their addiction to alcohol.

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Is there any AA meetings in NW Houston? If so where?

Where can online AA meetings be found?

Online AA meetings can be found very easily by doing a simple search. A list of online meetings can also be found by going to the Alcoholics Anonymous website and clicking the "How to Find A.A. Meetings."

Where can you find blank AA meeting forms?

AA meetings can be located by consulting a phone book or by entering a city and "AA" in Google. Meetings can be found in cities and towns around the world, in resorts, and even on cruise ships.

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There are meetings of AA in most countries around the world an even on cruise ships.