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observe an individual tp montor chandes and responces during a mobility activity

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Q: How do you observe an individual to monitor changes and responses during a mobility activity?
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What is structural mobility?

A shift in the social position of large numbers of people due more to changes in society itself rather than individual efforts.

What are physiological responses to sadness?

Physiological responses to sadness can include increased heart rate, changes in breathing patterns, elevated levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, and alterations in brain activity that can impact mood regulation and cognitive function. These responses are part of the body's natural stress response to emotional distress.

What is structural social mobility?

A shift in the social position of large numbers of people due more to changes in society itself rather than individual efforts.

What is the difference between horizontal mobility and vertical mobility?

A distinction is made between horizontal and vertical social mobility. The former refers to change of occupational position or role of an individual or a group without involving any change in its position in the social hierarchy, the latter refers essentially to changes in the position of an individual or a group along the social hierarchy. When a rural laborer comes to the city and becomes an industrial worker or a manager takes a position in another company there are no significant changes in their position in the hierarchy. Those are the examples of horizontal mobility. Horizontal mobility is a change in position without the change in statue. It indicates a change in position within the range of the same status. It is a movement from one status to its equalivalent.But if an industrial worker becomes a businessman or lawyer he has radically changed his position in the stratification system. This is an example of vertical mobility. Vertical mobility refers to a movement of an individual or people or groups from one status to another. It involves change within the lifetime of an individual to a higher or lower status than the person had to begin with.

Are findings and proposed changes by the Bureau of Labor Statistics open to the public?

As changes are contemplated, they are discussed with users and advisory committees and described in published materials. Fair information practices are used; maintaining confidentiality of individual responses is assured

What is intragenerational mobility?

Intrageneratioal mobility refers to the social mobility within a single generation. By contrast intragenerational mobility refers to the changes in the occupations held by the people during the course of there lifetime or working careers.

What are responses to changes in the weather for chimpanzees?

they eat more food

What are some ways of getting aroused if you are a girl?

Over time, you will learn what stimulates your sexual responses. During puberty, changes take place that increase the sensitivity of certain erogenous zones, and it varies with the individual. The general focus in most sexual activity are the breasts and the genital area, but many women find that they are aroused in other ways as well.

Indirect responses to touch that affect body functions are called?

Subcortical responses are subtle changes, like breathing patterns and facial expressions that indicate changes that initiate the relaxation response.

What is individual changes?

individual change is the changes that happen to you. individual change have many meanings it can be individual change on your body or an environment.

Are circadian rhythms direct responses to changes in the external light environment?


What factors affect relearning of speech and mobility after a stroke for elderly people?

The factors that can affect relearning speech and mobility after a stroke in elderly people include the severity of the stroke, the underlying health conditions of the individual, the extent of rehabilitation therapy received, the presence of social support, and the individual's motivation and engagement in the rehabilitation process. Additionally, cognitive impairments and age-related changes may impact the effectiveness of relearning these skills.