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Q: How do you open a locked door with a slim Jim?
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You eat the slim Jim which gives your lazy butt energy to open the door.

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Call a locksmith to unlock the door or buy a slim Jim or Break cheapest window

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Get the local police to come and use slim Jim to open

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How do you unlock a 2003 Honda Civicwith a slim Jim when you have locked your keys inside?

Newer cars have a plastic shield over the lock mehanism inside the door to prevent using a slim jim.

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ive seen it done

Car alarm battery dead how to open car door?

with the key... or a slim Jim Key is not working at the door

Can you unlock a Ford Contour's door with a slim Jim?

No. Once, I locked my keys in the car and the slim Jim did not work. The AAA guy ended up using a hanger-like thing to manually open the door. Another time the AAA guy used some sort of door "jimmy" (sorry, I don't know the name of the tool he used), which took <5 seconds.

Where do you put the slim Jim to open a 1996 grandam?

To use a Slim Jim on a Grand Am, insert it between the frame of the car and the window. Next, slide it to where the door lock is located.

Can a slim Jim be used to open the door of a 1988 cadillac el dorado?

I am not sure about the 1988 but I was searching for an answer about a 2003 Seville STS and could not find information - So....I just tried with a Slim Jim i bought at a gun show and was able to unlock the drivers door in about 1 minute. The process was to insert the Slim Jim under the weather molding right in the bottom right side of the window. I inserted about 3.5-5 inchs of the tool down into the door frame and wiggled it around until it found the latch - i could tell i had the latch because when i moved the Slim Jim the look moved inside the door. with and upward thrust of about 10 punds It raised the locked door.

How do you use a slim Jim to open the doors on a 2002 Ford Focus?

Don't use a slim Jim...You open a coat hanger and tighten the hook to be a little more closed, then you use wood wedges or a flat tool to pry the door open enough to let the hook through into the car. If you want you can use the slim Jim to help get the hook past the weather stripping, or you can just save the slim Jim to use on a different car that is not slim Jim resistant. Pull to get a broad curve in the wire and use it to pull the door handle open. Not easy takes about 20 minutes of steady effort.