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you don't it's the key hole

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Q: How do you open the door knob in kingdom of hearts 1 for ps2?
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How do you open the door with yellow lights lit up in kingdom hearts?

Use Thunder on it.

Where is Merlins house in kingdom hearts 1?

You have find the door with fire on it and shoot fire at the door and it will open It is in traverse town

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The green door is under the oogies mayor, to get down, you have to use a strange "elevator". Ooogies mayor is in the ways of the graveyard. How too open the door, i dont know :( but i will find ;) Xicão

How do you open the door to the old mansion on kingdom hearts 2?

Advance the story line, you will eventually have to go in.

What defines a door handle as opposed to a door knob?

A door handle is a horizontal piece of metal that you pull downwards to open the door, while a door knob is a spherical piece of metal you twist to open the door.

What is part of a door you can open with a key?

You can open a key lock on a door knob, or you can open a deadbolt lock on the door itself.

Can raccoon unlock house door knob?

If a door is locked, no, the raccoon cannot open the door. However, if the door is not locked, a raccoon can learn to operate a door knob and get inside.

To operate the BALL DOOR KNOB in Polished Brass, simply grasp the knob and turn it clockwise to unlock or open the door. To lock or close the door, turn the knob counterclockwise.

What is the significance of the seven Princesses of Heart in Kingdom Hearts?

The seven Princesses of Heart form the key needed to open the door to darkness.

WHAT is the point of the keyblade of Kingdom Hearts?

I'm not sure but i would guess that sense the keyblade is basicaly the only thing that can kill nobodies and when someone becomes a heartless a nobody is created and everytime the keyblade kills a heartless a hearts is sent up to the kingdom of hearts. and the members of organization 13 need kingdom hearts to become whole. so the keyblade is used to shut the door to darkness and to OPEN the door to LIGHT.

What do you do in Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts after putting the pieces into a heart shaped puzzle in the door?

The door should open and you go to the HARDEST BATTLE IN ALL KINGDOM HEARTS GAMES!!!!!! You have to battle Riku/Ansem/Xehanort. It took me at least a week to beat. SO, SO, SO HARD!! So, be prepared...

Why is it easier to push open a door with the knob not the hinges?

it is easier as the knob is further away from the pivot (hinges of door) . This means it has a greater turning effect