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One thing that you can do to overcome the barrier created by racism, sexism, and various traditional beliefs is to break away from them. Stay away from those who say you can't do something because of your race, or gender. Refuse to believe any traditions that try to keep you down. You can break traditions, and make new ones of your own. Know your value, and keep moving forward. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you.

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To overcome barriers created by racism, sexism, and traditional beliefs, it is important to promote awareness, education, and advocacy for equality and diversity. This can include challenging biased attitudes, promoting inclusive practices, and empowering marginalized groups to have a voice and be represented in decision-making processes. Creating a supportive and equitable environment through policies, training, and community engagement are key steps in addressing these barriers.

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Tangible ideas created by a society can include physical objects like buildings, monuments, infrastructure, and art that reflect the values, beliefs, and priorities of that society. These tangible manifestations serve as symbols of identity, culture, and history, shaping the collective experience and identity of the community.

What part is Ideas created by member of society is part of what?

This statement is part of the process of social constructionism, which emphasizes how ideas and meanings are created by members of society through interactions and shared beliefs. Social constructionism highlights how individuals collectively shape reality through interconnected social practices and language.

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