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Overloading a constructor means typing in multiple versions of the constructor, each having a different argument list, like the following examples:

class Car {

Car() { }

Car(String s) { }


The preceding Car class has two overloaded constructors, one that takes a string, and one with no arguments. Because there's no code in the no-arg version, it's actually identical to the default constructor the compiler supplies, but remember-since there's already a constructor in this class (the one that takes a string), the compiler won't supply a default constructor. If you want a no-arg constructor to overload the with-args version you already have, you're going to have to type it yourself, just as in the Car example.

Overloading a constructor is typically used to provide alternate ways for clients to instantiate objects of your class. For example, if a client knows the Car name, they can pass that to a Car constructor that takes a string. But if they don't know the name, the client can call the no-arg constructor and that constructor can supply a default name

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You can overload instance methods and constructors (ref. Prog. Logic)

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There is no comparison between methods and constructors. They are both present for a reason and each has its own purpose.

What is main advantage of using constructors in java?

Constructors have the same name as the class itself and they do not specify a return type, not even void because they return the instance of the class itself. Because constructors have the same name as the class then they allow method overloading and also save memory and execution time of program. Program release memory of constructors function after using this function and it reduce program complexity.