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Squat down and bind over a little and pull your skirt up a little(if it's a short skirt you do not have to do this)then let it rip.

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Q: How do you pee while wearing a skirt?
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Your penis will be covered in urine.

What does it mean when a guy swallows hard while looking at your legs when you wearing a skirt?

He is obviously in to you... and is getting excited

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A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt. - Dumb Laws, Italy.

What jeans was the girl in Justin Biebers song one time wearing?

she wasent wearing pants she was wearing a mini skirt totall mini skirt

What are the 11 things women secretly think while wearing a skirt?

My wife wears a skirt to cover a urine bag she dosnt have a choice she always looks charming in a skirt

But how do they pee if they are wearing a tight jeans on?

they unzip them, then pee.

When a girl wearing a skirt goes to the toilet does she pull the skirt down or lift it up?

Depends on the girl, depends on the skirt. It also depends on the cleanliness of the floor if it's a public bathroom and you are wearing a long skirt.

What is the name of Tarzans skirt?

It is not a skirt. It is called a loincloth.

Why is Henry VIII wearing a skirt?

It isn't a skirt it is a tunic and was the fashion of the day.

What was Rosa parks wearing when she got arrested?

She was wearing a plaid skirt

How do girls pee on the toliet?

1 walk to the toilet . 2 pull your pants and panties down(or if you are wearing a skirt pull ur panties to the side and lift up ur skirt ) 3 place ur butt , buttock , tush on the seat and let the waters fall into place