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Very gently. They give the dog a shot that puts them actually to sleep before they add the ingredient that shuts down the dogs body functions. There is no pain for the dog. In fact I have had to have three put to sleep and was there holding the dogs head each time as they went to sleep. Remember all dogs go to heaven and they will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge when you go there.

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12y ago
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11y ago

animal control people have a, well you know when you go to get a shot at the doctors? it looks like that but th needle is longer and they put the animal on the sugery table and hold it down while someone puts the needle in the animal and then the dog dies befor eyour eyes. Trust me they dont even feel good putting the dog to sleep.

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11y ago

Animal 'shelters' will euthanize (take the life of ...) an animal by 'putting them to sleep' with an overdose of barbiturates by injection ; it is a painless departure from this life .

Unfortunately in some states/counties in the United States (nowhere else on the planet) it is still legal to use gas chambers to euthanize dogs with carbon monoxide, which can take up to 45 minutes for the animals to suffocate. It's inhumane to use gas on even our worst serial murderers, yet states (mostly in the Southeast) still kill pets this way. One county shelter in NC suffered a large explosion as a result of their leaking gas chamber. They said that "due to costs" they installed another gas chamber as opposed to using lethal injection, which is proven to be less expensive than gas chamber use. Carbon monoxide leaks have also killed and permanently injured people, yet they're still being used.

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11y ago

They put the dog on a table and inject medicine into it. Putting animals to sleep when they are old is good because they die peacefully and do not go through the suffering when dying of old age. They go to sleep and never wake back up. It is good to put a dog to sleep when he is very very sick and there is nothing you could do. because he would rather die peacefully than go through suffering.

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15y ago

It is suposed to be done by injection. Other methods not allowed have been encountered and the violators taken to justice.

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Q: How are dogs put to sleep in a dog pound?
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you can't

What does pts mean in dog pound terms?

PTS = "Put to sleep"

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You can put the dog to sleep so that it will not infect other dogs.

How many dogs get killed at the dog pound?

it depends on which pound you are talking about... some pounds arent crowded so they dont need to kill any dogs at all but some are overcrowded and have to put them to sleep

If they are nothing wrong with dogs in the pound why are they put to sleep?

because the dogs will start to get a larger amount and there will be little room for all the dogs

Why do pounds put down dogs?

Pounds put dogs to sleep because there is either over crowding of dogs in the shelter or pound or the dog is sick and can't be helped so they put it out of its suffering. I don't like the idea of putting down a dog that is perfectly healthy or any animal for that matter but they do it anyway. This is the best answer I can give. Hope it helps.And that the dog could be to mean.And they unfortunately, can't do anything for the case but put them down.

Were can goldon retrivers sleep?

All dogs can pretty much sleep anywhere. At a pet store you can buy a "dog pillow" that you can put just about anywhere. Whether the dog will sleep on it or not is a different story. Most dogs will sleep on the bed with you.

How many dogs are put to sleep every year due to dog fighting?

Ther are 20,000 dogs put down in one week for dog fighting and 400,000 in one year for dog fighting.

What does euthanized mean like some dogs are eventully euthanized?

When a dog is euthanized it is put to sleep.

Where do you put stray in a sentence?

you put stray in a sentence that is talking about homeless dogs. for example The stray dog is in the dog pound. I'm sorry if this doesn't answer your question.

Why are dogs killed at the pound?

They are killed becuase, if they are not adopted they will kill the dog. Why? Instead of the dogs suffering in a cage on a cold or hot day, they just put it on a permanent sleep.... :(

How do they put dogs down at animal shelters?

Putting dogs down is a last resort and it only happens if dogs have no chance of getting a home or the shelter is overcrowded and they feel that this dog/cat has been here too long it will be euthanized or put to sleep it is painless and it is usually done by the dog putting on fa mask and they will put a gaseous drug into it and the dog will breathe it in and go to sleep