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1. Don't whinge or cry-it always leads to trouble or no pet at all 2. Do chores around the house-it will show you are responsible 3.Do your research 4. Come up with names from your parent's favourite soap/comedy. 5. Give interesting facts

and one thing you should never do is TRY HARD just say "can i please get a pet fish" and then leave it for a week then try again!

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13y ago

well you can always tell them that your responsible or you think that your ready to take care of a pet, i had a Betta fish once in a 40-50 gallon tank all to himself, he lived to be 3 yrs old until my kitty cat ate him =( lmfao haha but it was cute =3

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Q: How do you persuade your parents to get a pet fish?
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How do you persuade your mum to let you have a pet fish?

As long as you have done research about types of fish, the tank size needed, and you are prepared to put in the time it takes to care for fish which includes regular water changes, then you may be about to discuss it with your parents with more information.

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well most parents do not want their children to have a pet because they are afraid the child will neglect it or will not be able to take care of it. other reasons are because the land lord might not allow pets or they are allergic to the animal you might want. to show your parents you can take good care of a pet start with a small easy pet for begginers like a fish then your parents will allow you to have a level one pet and so one but dont beg for a pet that will drive your parents away hope this helps best of luck! <3

Which do you say pet fish or fish pet?

pet fish or fish pet. You can say it however you want, but I say pet fish.AnswerIn English it is proper to say "pet fish" because in this case, 'pet' is actually being used as an adjective to modify the noun 'fish' by defining the relation between you and the fish. While its not UNIVERSALLY true, in English, adjectives come before the noun as in "red ball".

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just tell them its your pet and you'll name it whatever you want. and to leave you alone.

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