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Present the request in the form of a "motion" to the Clerk of The Court who will 'file' it and put it on the court's docket for assignment to a judge.

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Q: How do you petition AZ court for setting aside a felony conviction?
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Can a person with a set aside felony conviction purchase a firearm?

You will need a lawyer to guide you through this process.

What kind of felony can be expunged in Arizona?

Arizona uses the term "setting aside" for record clearing or expungement. Arizona Revised Statute (ARS 13-907) allows a defendant to petition the court to have a conviction set aside after the terms of the sentence are met. If the court grants the petition, the "person be released from all penalties and disabilities resulting from the conviction other than those imposed by the Department of Transportation…" The conviction can be used in any subsequent criminal prosecution. Arizona Revised Statute allows those convicted of a felony to have their civil rights restored. Civil rights are restored automatically after completing a sentence for a first felony. Additionally, in most felony cases, it is possible can apply to have your gun rights restored.

You were convicted of a non-gun related no violent felony and have completed probation and paid your fines Can you own or possess a firearm in Arizona?

The Federal law has an absolute prohibition of felons owning or even handling firearms According to Arizona law, you must have your felony conviction expunged, or set aside, in the jurisdiction you were convicted in. Once this is completed, you must petition to the court, a minimum of two years after the fines are paid, to restore your gun rights. If you possess a firearm without doing this, you will be charged with a felony.

What does it mean to have a conviction vacated by a judge?

A vacated conviction means the conviction is set aside, in this case by a judge following legal guidelines. A pardon is a conviction set aside by an executive (Governor or President). A conviction can be nullified by executive order or judicial order.

Is there a difference in an espongement and a set aside conviction?

A vacated conviction in WA State will set aside the disabilities imposed by the conviction. It replaces a guilty plea with a not guilty plea or a guilty conviction with a not guilty conviction. However, certain conditions must be met before a criminal conviction can be vacated.

Can anything be done for the expungement of two misdemeanor convictions committed 15 years ago?

It all depends on the law of the state in which the conviction occurred. The court that convicted you will apply the law of its state. If you are searching for information on expungement in your state, be aware that different states have different names for record clearing. It can be called such things as expungement, record sealing, vacating a conviction, and setting aside a judgment. Most counties have a public defender's office who will file a petition for record clearance (expungement, vacating, setting-aside, sealing, or whatever it is called in your state) for free-- though most public defenders have a low-income requirement. They may also have packets on how to do it yourself. If you have financial means, you can have an attorney handle it for you. There are law firms that specialize in record clearing. If your conviction was in federal court, you cannot have your conviction expunged. However, some states, such as, will allow you to petition to have all of your civil rights and gun rights restored. Make an appointment to talk to the judge at the court where you were convicted.

How can you use setting in a sentence?

The sun was setting in the distance - OR - Setting aside money for the future is a good idea

The recent setting aside of large areas of virgin land in Alaska is an act of?

The recent setting aside of large areas of virgin land in Alaska is an act of preservation.

How long does a MIP of alcohol stay on record in Michigan?

A conviction of minor in possession in Michigan is a criminal conviction and stays on a person's record forever in Michigan. The only way it won't is if there is a successful motion to set aside the conviction.

How do you erase you felony records as an adult?

The answer to this will vary depending on what state your conviction record is in. Please be specific when asking questions. Many states allow a felony to be removed from a person's record. Each state has their own procedure and eligibility requirements for expungement of convictions. Accordingly, I would need to know what state your conviction was to answer your question. In general, the process involves petitioning the court where you were convicted and demonstrating that you meet the legal requirements or standards necessary to have your record cleared. If your conviction was in federal court, you cannot have your conviction expunged. However, some states, such as Arizona, will allow you to petition to have all of your civil rights and gun rights restored after a federal conviction. Most counties have a public defender's or legal aid office that will file a petition for record clearance (expungement, vacating, setting-aside, sealing, or whatever it is called in your state) for free-- though most public defenders have a low-income requirement. They may also have packets on how to do it yourself. If you have financial means, I would highly recommend having an attorney handle it for you. However, there are many others. If you are paying someone, just make sure they are licensed attorneys who have experience clearing records. Many attorneys will give a money back guarantee. Also, if you have convictions in multiple states, make sure your attorney understands the record clearing laws in both states because proceeding in the wrong order could cost you your eligibility in one of the states. In other terms you have a zero out of none chance because it will stay on your record for your whole life it also depends what you did and if you won the case then you are good and you don't have a felony record also keep in mind that you have to have one of the best lawyers. *linda*

In what year did congress formally pass the bill setting aside Nov 11?

In what year did congress formally pass the bill pass the bill setting aside Nov. 11?

Are you eligible to apply for a law enforcement position with a domestic violence conviction set aside?

More explicit information would have to be known. The question states CONVICTION of Domestic Violence. Even though it may have been "set aside," you may not qualify under the Lautenberg Amendment.