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you have to change the tool to the hand and left click on the eggs

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Q: How do you pick up eggs on dwarf village?
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Why did the author pick up the eggs and what did he do with them

How do you pick up a dwarf hamster?

with your hands

Can you pick up ladybug eggs without breaking them?

Well if you dont want to break it pick it up softly

How old do dwarf hamsters have to be to be pick up?

Dwarf hamsters must be 4 weeks of age to be picked up, do NOT touch the babys at all before then or the mother will "protect" her young by eating her baby.

How old does a baby dwarf hamster half to be to pick them up?

It has to be about 3-4 weeks old, then you can hold them.

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Just walk over it to pick it up.

If you pick up a house gecko egg would it die?

No.Because I have a male and female...Once I picked up on eof it's eggs nothing happened but when you pick em up hold them gently.Within 6-8 weeks,the egg/eggs will hatch without the gecko being harmed...And also can you pick up a house gecko?

How are the eggs purchased from Lucky grocery stores? go in the store, pick up a carton of eggs, take it to the checkout, then you pay for it.

How do you harvest a chicken?

You Dont, you leave it in the coop and pick up it's eggs....i mean honestly...

Can you get sick from a dog licking your feet?

You could pick up parasites if you lick the ground. All dogs and cats shred flea eggs if outside. Eggs can live in dirt, grass, weeds. You could pick up those eggs, which create worms in the intestinal tract. You can also ingest any germs in the ground you lick.

Do Chinese dwarf hamsters remember you?

I have a chinese dwarf hamster and she is the sweetest thing in the world! Her name is Mocha and when i open her cage to put her in, she greets me and waits for me to pick her up! My guess is that they do remember you based on the sound of her voice (when i call to wake her up) and by your smell. But, do beware. wash your hands before you pick up your hamster especially if you have eaten in the past hour or so or if they are mistrustful to humans (so she or he can recognize your smell.

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.