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dont force it out. Eat and drink soft stuff with fiber, and u shud be gud

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14y ago

Fiber is a natural laxative. Otherwise, hot teas and warm water and light exercise can help, too.

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13y ago

there are some special pills that you can take to make it a lot less hard, and hopefully help you through this time of pain.

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12y ago

Eat moisture rich foods like grapes.

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Q: How do you poop if you are constipated without using stool softener?
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Can you take stool softener?

Yes, You Do Take Stool Softener By The Mouth It Usually Come As A Capsule, Tablet, Liquid And Syrup Which You Take By Mouth But When Using Stool Softener Always Read The Instructions On The Back Of The Package. Hope This Helps! :)

using a stool soften?

using a stool softener like colace may help, and it may be purchased at any pharmacy over the counter, but you should still see our doctor for a rectal exam

If you have not been able to use the restroom for 3 days due to painful constipation how would you be able to use the restroom without suffering from excruciating pain?

You could try using a laxative combined with a stool softener. That way, when the laxative takes effect, you should pass your stools without too much discomfort until your system is back to normal. If this is a regular occurrence, see your doctor for professional advice.

What is a saltless water softener and what does it do compared to others?

The reason you choose a water softener will best allow you to chose a saltless softener or a traditional softener. If you are using a water softener to help your household plumbing stay clean and gunk-free, then you should choose a traditional softener. If your goal is to have softer feeling and tasting water then a saltless softener will work just fine for you. With this softener, you are not actually removing salt, just changing the electric charge of the water.

Is it safe to use water softener?

It has been proven that using a water softener is completely safe. Many websites state that is a safe alternative.

How do you make fabric softener using cationic flakes?

To make fabric softener using cationic flakes, mix the flakes with water until dissolved. Then add fragrance or essential oils for scent. Mix well and store in a bottle. Use a small amount in your laundry to make clothes soft and static-free.

What does it mean when you have bad stomach cramps and hard time using the bathroom?

You're constipated from the sounds of it.

Why it requires more soap when you bathe using deep well water?

You have hard water, and it possibly requires a softener.You have hard water, and it possibly requires a softener.

What is the clinical significance stool analysis using concentration technique?

Stool analysis using concentration technique can help identify parasites or their eggs in the stool, aiding in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections. This information is clinically significant as it guides appropriate treatment and management strategies for patients with parasitic diseases.

What are the advantages of using a Swivel bar stool?

A swivel bar stool can be an advantage over a traditional bar stool as it is easier to get up and down. You don't need to move the stool from its position as you can turn around to jump off. You can also more easily turn towards someone to talk to them.

What are the advantages of using dryer sheets instead of liquid fabric softener?

Dryer sheets are more convenient because they are single-use and eliminate the need for measuring and pouring liquid fabric softener. They also help reduce static cling and add a pleasant scent to laundry without the risk of spilling or overdosing. Additionally, dryer sheets can be used to freshen up other areas, such as gym bags or drawers.

Why is water quality better using a Culligan water softener?

There are a number of benefits for using a Culligan water softener, these include clean pure and refreshing water for all the family,more flavourable hot drinks. It reduces the chemicals used around the house and also uses less energy as well as saving money.