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toa mata head: take a 2 plus rod and put a plus rod connector on it and put it on the eyes.then, take a 5 plus rod and put it on the side of the hand and push the rod through the mouth while the hand is on a carpeted floor.add some pressure and, BOOM its out.

toa metru/piraka head: take out the plus rod

toa inika head: connect plus rod to bottom of head and take off by chin

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Q: How do you pop the eyes out of a bionicle head?
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What causes your eyes to pop out of your head?

pulling them out.

Can you sneeze with our eyes open?

No. Otherwise your eyeballs pop out of your head. Why not try it

Would your eyes pop out of your head if you stand on your head?

noooo!!! well when you sneeze and you dont close your eyes ... then your eyes..WILL POP OUT! so dont NEVER do that!! your eyes are made to stay is on your head. almost nothing short of gouging them out will get them out. not even sneezing with your eyes open ( I've done that). if you don't believe me about the sneezing thing, check out the mythbusters trying it. i don't know where to get the video.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'his eyes popped out of his head'?

This isn't an idiom because you can figure out what it means by defining the words. It's an exaggeration - the guy's eyes didn't literally pop out of his head, but he was opening them really wide with surprise so they looked like they were popping out.

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Yes, but i kno a girl who can make ur eyes pop out of your head.

If you hit someone on back of their head would their eyes pop out?

Simply no, but you could make them blind.

Do your eyes pop out when you are hanged?

Yes your eyes do pop out when you get hanged

When was Pop-Eyes created?

December 19, 1919 .

What will Bionicle 5 be called?

There will be no 'Bionicle 5' because they are ending bionicle sets.

What are the name's of the bionicle movie?

BIONICLE: Mask of light, BIONICLE 2 : Legends of metru nui, BIONICLE 3 : Web of shadows, and the newest one BIONICLE 4 : the legend reborn.

Where are butterfly eyes?

the butterflies eyes are the side of there head.

Are your eyes in the center of your head?

Yes your eyes are in the centre of your head.