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first of all, you shouldnt be getting dizzy when you pop ur neck, unless ur really old like over 18 years old. Something must be wrong with you if ur getting dizzy

(alternate answer) The probability is that when you twist your neck in a certain way, you are crimping a carotid artery and thereby reducing blood flow to the brain. I would suggest that you stop doing that. It is possible for you to have a stroke.

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11y ago
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13y ago

all you got to do is move your neck back and forward

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15y ago

It's a release of air from the joints in your neck. Not particularly harmful unless you twist your neck to far when trying to make it pop.

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Pop your neck?

A pop in your neck can be due to the over use and over stretching of neck muscles and tendons. Rest a ice will help to relieve the inflammation.

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No i was told it doesnt make the neck bigger from a doctor i had asked, but it is good to give the neck a break if you do pop it often. The less you pop your joints the less you will in the future because your neck wont stiff up.

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Your question is extremely vague. It is placed in the "Back and Neck" category, but the way you have written the question leads me to believe that you are really asking this Advertising question: "Is a bottle neck hanger a form of POP display?" If that is your true question, then the answer is yes. A bottle neck hanger is seen at the point of purchase, and can be regarded as a form (albeit small) of POP display.

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Lol there is no cure for cracking your ankles, fingers, neck etc. It's just a habit you have to learn, control and break of. if you pop your fingers as a teen and you continue on as you get older they'll begin to swell up and get sore. same as if you pop your neck. one day you'll pop you neck and you wont be able to move your head anymore.

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it means you cracked your neck and thats it

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i believe he threw it to the crowd The guy that caught Jimi's guitar neck is Don Adey from Coventry England (*!*)

Why does your neck always feel like you need to pop it?

You might have a vertebrae out of place. Go see a chiropractor.

What is wrong with you if the back of your head pops?

The back of your head doesn't pop but the back of your neck does its just relaxing itself.

Is it ok to pop your neck?

YES!!! dont ever try it!! my name is Raj Rao, MD, a neck and back surgery specialist and i have had more than one patient die because of it. NEVER NEVER EVER DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do the lymph nodes in the back of my neck pop out at night?

It usually means that you are ill. You may just be tired when that happens, but check with you doctor.