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A couple years ago I successfully trained my cocker spaniel to use the bell system. Here's what I did:

Attached the bell to a thin rope hanging from the door knob of the door to the backyard (where he pottied).

I covered it with spray cheese out of a can (they can't resist it!) and let him lick it off.

As soon as the bell starts to ring from his licking open the door and have a treat waiting for him (that you placed there before-hand).

Praise him as he eats the treat.

Do this over and over again using less and less cheese on the bell and smaller and smaller treats.

Eventually do away with the treats and cheese all together.

Finally, he will grasp the concept that once he rings the bell, he goes outside. Praise him whenever he rings the bell.

Praise him when he potties outside and scold him when he goes inside.

The only frustrating thing about the bell system is when he will ring the bell just when he wants to go play also! Either don't use the bell system, or put up with it!


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Q: How do you potty train a new puppy using the bell system?
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How do you potty train a puppy after she has been using puppy pads in the house?

find out your dogs regular potty spot pour perfume on it that should drive your dog away weird huh? but pour a bad oder on the spot you want him to pee on it will scare him so he will pee! sorry this is all we have

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Your dog needs to be potty trained. Be patient. It's a little harder to train a 7-year old dog than a 7-month old puppy.

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There are many ways that you can teach a child how to potty train. You can put them on the potty. You can also teach them how to learn how to potty when they are rewarded and you can also teach them other information.

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How to Potty Train a Puppy?

Your new puppy is adorable...until he soils your carpet! Potty training your puppy is one of the most important aspects of training. It can also be a very frustrating experience if you are not prepared.Start with the Right MindsetBegin the potty-training process with the right outlook. It may take months for your puppy to be fully potty trained, so remain patient and realize that set-backs are common. Don't expect overnight results. Never lose your temper over a mistake. Instead, realize that you probably were not watching your dog as well as you should have been. Additionally, remain consistent with your commands. Your puppy can easily become confused about expectations if you are constantly changing your approach.Learn the SignsPay very close attention to the clues your puppy gives off when he needs to potty. He may sniff the floor, walk around in circles, become restless or go back to a previously used potty spot. Your young dog will most likely need to go shortly after eating, after a period of vigorous play or upon wakening. Puppies do not have fully developed bladders, so you may need to take your pup out to potty every hour at first. This includes taking him out in the middle of the night.Consistent CommandsOnce you recognize your puppy's need to potty, take him outside quickly to the same spot each time. Do not play with the puppy. When he begins to go potty, quietly say a command such as "Hurry up!" or "Go potty!" Use this command each time he goes. In the future, you may use these words when you want him to go.Praise the puppy vigorously each time he goes. If he does not go, try again in a few minutes.Constant SupervisionKeeping a constant watch on your puppy will help eliminate accidents. If you are unable to watch the pup for a few hours, consider using a crate. The crate should be large enough to allow the dog to stand up and turn around. A young puppy should not be left in the crate for more than 2 hours.If puppy has an accident, simply take him straight outside. Do not rub his nose in it!

When you use a clicker to train your puppy how long do you have to use it before you can stop using it?

Until the dog does everything you tell him/her to do without hesitation.

How do you train zebra finches?

Its really difficult but try using treats and see if you can do it make sure you have a lot of perserverance. I'm still trying to potty train my budgie i totally think its gonna take forever but don't give up

How do you potty train your toddler?

Potty Training can be a very time consuming affair. So its important you give enough time for training your toddler for potty. Don't force your child to tak the potty, give in a relaxed attitude. Don't get upset because your child is ignorning the potty. Try to coax your child onto the potty rather than forcing to sit. Try to make it easy for the child such as potty training girls with skirts, dresses or shorts on. Boys can wear pants that they can just pull down. Avoid using zipper pants for boys. For More Info Visit This Link >>>

How do you potty train yourself?

To potty train yourself, start by establishing a routine for using the bathroom regularly. Listen to your body's signals to know when you need to go. Be patient with yourself and practice good hygiene habits. Consider using a bathroom schedule or setting reminders to help you stay consistent.

How do you train a 1 year old puppy?

train as in how? I had a dog that was 2 and still not potty trained! but this was because she didn't ask to go out.. LOL this was taken from the iams website for potty training a puppy :)Tips for Housetraining Puppies and DogsAs with most things in life, there are right and wrong ways to get things done. Rubbing a puppy's nose in a mess is not the right way to housetrain. Using ample amounts of supervision and positive reinforcement is. Use the following puppy housetraining tips to get started on the road to proper puppy potty training. Return to TopGetting On the Right TrackThe first course of action in dog or puppy housetraining is to promote the desired behavior. You need to: Designate a potty area outdoors.Guide your dog there to do his business.Heartily praise him when he goes.By occasionally giving him a treat right after your dog finishes, you can encourage him to potty in the desired area. The odor left from previous visits to that area will quickly mark it as the place for the pup to do his business.Return to TopTiming Is Important!A six- to eight-week-old puppy should be taken outdoors every one to three hours. Older puppies can generally wait longer between outings. Most puppies should be taken out: After waking in the morningAfter napsAfter mealsAfter playing or trainingAfter being left aloneImmediately before being put to bedReturn to TopPottying on CommandTo avoid spending a lot of time waiting for your puppy to go, you may want to teach him to potty on command. Each time he is in the act of eliminating, simply repeat a unique command, such as "hurry up" or "potty," in an upbeat tone of voice. After a few weeks of training, you'll notice that when you say the command your puppy will begin pre-potty sniffing, circling and then potty shortly after you give the command. Be sure to praise him for his accomplishments. Return to TopFeeding SchedulesMost puppies will potty within an hour after eating. Once you set your puppy's feeding schedule, you will have some control over when he needs to go. Schedule your puppy's dinner times so that you will be available to let him out after eating.Avoid giving your puppy a large meal just prior to confining him or he may have to go when you're not around to take him out. Schedule feeding two to three times daily on a consistent schedule.Have food available for only 30 to 40 minutes, then remove it.The last feeding of the day should be done several hours before he's confined for the night. By controlling the feeding schedule, exercise sessions, confinement periods and trips outdoors to the potty area, your puppy will quickly develop a reliable schedule for pottying.Return to TopCrate TrainingThis is one of the best puppy house training tips we have to offer. Training a puppy to be comfortable in a crate is a good way to keep him safe and confined during housetraining. Most puppies will quickly accept crate confinement when you make the introduction fun. Since it's important to associate favorable things with the area where your puppy is confined, it is a good idea to play with him there, or simply spend some time reading or watching television nearby as he relaxes with a favourite chew toy. If he is only in the area when you leave, it becomes a social isolation area that he eventually may resist entering. A good time to start crate training is at dinnertime. Feed your puppy his dinner, one piece at a time, by tossing pieces of kibble into the crate for him to chase and eat. This way, you can make a game out of training.When you pick up his toys, store them in the crate so he will enter on his own to play. You may even want to occasionally hide a biscuit in the crate as a nice surprise.You should not use the crate for periods that exceed the length of time the pet can actually control the urge to urinate or defecate. If you are gone for long periods each day, you will need to provide a larger confinement area. You may want to consider using an exercise pen or small room.Provide an area large enough so that if your puppy has to potty when you are gone, he can do it in a space that is separate from his sleeping area. A 15- to 30-square foot area is adequate for most puppies. If he chooses a specific place to eliminate, cover it with paper to make cleanup easier.

How do you potty train a 9 year old girl with severe autism that has a mental capability of a 2 year old so she will not need to wear diapers?

Well, have you tried a reward system? Try leading her to the bathroom when she shows signs of needing to go. When she starts to, just put her on the toilet, then give her a few M&Ms afterwards, keep doing this until she is potty trained. Although I am still a child (13 years old). I have helped train my cousins and I have succeeded in potty training my 1 1/2 year old sister using this method. I work with autistic kids at school some of them don't talk, and the rewards method seems to work. I say if she wants 2 let her stay in diapers

How do you train a pitbull red nose?

The way you train your pitbull is you do it when their a for example(it uses the bathroom on your carpet) you take them bring them to the spot and put their nose in it and pat them on the nose not to hard or not to soft,but you do want to get your point across to them by not using the bathroom on your carpet..