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Q: How do you prepare 1 N ferrous ammonium sulphate?
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What are the ingredients of ferrous sulphate?

The 'Ingredients' ; I think you mean the elemental atoms. Ferrous sulphate has the formula FeSO4 So the (ingredients) elementsal atoms are: - 1 x Fe ( Iron ; Latin Ferrum). 1 x S ( sulphur) 4 x O ( four atoms of oxygen).

What is the balanced equation of ammonium sulphate from ammonia and dilute sulphuric acid?

You wrote the wrong question. It should be: What is the balanced equation of ammonium sulphate from ammonium and dilute sulphuric acid? Well the answer will be (NH4)+1(S04)-2 which equals to (NH4)2 (SO4)

Is sulphate a Base or acid?

Ammonium sulfate is a neutral salt which shows alkaline behavior in solution due to the hydrolysis of the ammonium ion.

How do you prepare 100mM ammonium acetate?

To prepare the buffer using solid form reagents, prepare a 0.1 M ammonium acetate solution by dissolving 7.7 g ammonium acetate in a 1000 ml water. Adjust 1 L of this solution to pH 4.5 by adding acetic acid (about 8 ml) and 5 ml of 1 M p-TSA (equivalent to 5 mM p-TSA).

Please help me I need to know what these are made up of!(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)?

This is the chemical salt 'Ammonium sulphate'. It is usually written as ' (NH4)2SO4 The (NH4)2 moiety tells us that there are '2'(two) ammoniums present. Since ammonium is made up of NH4 , then there are two(2) nitrogen (N) present and there are eight(8 = 4 x 2) hydrogen(H) present. The SO4 moiety tells us that there is one(1) sulphur (S) and there are four(4) oxygen present. Unlike the ammonium moiety there is no doubling of the sulphate moiety. Ammonium sulphate is a agricultural fertiliser.

What is the name for Fe2O3 using the Stock system?

-There are elements three elements in the compound and 6 atoms all together. -Iron(1)+Sulphur(1)+Oxygen(4)=Iron Sulphate. -Fe:Iron+S:Sulphur+O:Oxygen=FeSO4:Iron Sulphate. -It is Iron Sulfate if you are an American but for British it is Iron Sulphate.

What are the three main categories of metal?

1. Ferrous metal 2. Non-Ferrous metal 3. Alloys

What is the main constituent of pearl?

Following are the chief constituents of pearl: 1. Calcium Carbonate 2. Calcium Oxide 3. Ammonium Sulphate 4. Ammonium Chloride 5. Magnesium Carbonate 6. Sodium Chloride 7. Aragonite 8. Conchiolin It may also contain lessor amounts of silica.

What is the formula for manganese II sulfide?

Ammonium=NH4 Sulfide=S Sulfur has a -2 charge and ammonium has a =1 charge so in order to have a neutral compound there needs to be 2 ammonium compounds ------> (NH4)2S The numbers are subscripts

What is the valancy of ammonium?

The valency of an ammonium ion is 1 (positive).

What is the valency of ammonium?

The chemical symbol for ammonium is NH4, and it has a valency of 1. Remember ammonium is a radical.

What is ammonium's oxidation number?

Ammonium, NH4, forms a +1 ion.