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Q: How do you prepare marketable meals?
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How many meals did you prepare on a typical shift?

The number of meals that you prepare on a typical shift depends on your profession. If you are a cook, you may prepare fifty or sixty meals during a given shift.

What do submarine cooks do?

They prepare meals for the crew

How did the ancient Aztec's prepare meals?

by cooking it on fire

What are some nutritional meals that children ages 5-9 years can prepare?

The food pyramid are some nutritional meals that children ages 5-9 years can prepare.

How did the Shoshone prepare their meals?

bird,fish,grasshopers,and rabbits

When visiting family should guest prepare meals?

Some people enjoy having their guests prepare meals, and others don't. Just be a considerate guest and find out what the host wants.

Why prepare your own food?

If you prepare it yourself, you can eat what you like. It is less expensive. Also, when you prepare your own meals, you know what is in them; you can trust yourself.

What are Senior meals on wheels?

Meals on wheels is a service that deliver meals to individuals who are unable to cook or prepare their own food. Senior meals on wheel is a derivative of this, providing meals to seniors, but do not charge, or charges very little for the service.

How did the vikings prepare hot meals?

They probably heated it up over a fire.

How many meals did the titanic chefs prepare each day?


who brings the pope his food?

The pope has a staff who purchase and prepare meals for the pontiff.

What are some ideas for healthy meals that I can easily prepare for 20 preschoolers?

One of the healthiest and easiest meals to prepare is stir fry, it has lots of veggies and you can use rice or noodles. Salad is another great option, as is veggie soup.