

How do you prevent getting the stomach flu?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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The most important steps to preventing gastroenteritis is good hand hygiene. Be sure that you wash your hands often, particularly before eating.

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Q: How do you prevent getting the stomach flu?
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Does not eating help prevent a person from getting the stomach flu?

No, it doesn't. Not eating can actually increase your chance of getting it, because it weakens your immune system. Your body needs nutrition to stay strong and to fight off illnesses. Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is the best way to help prevent you getting the stomach flu, as well as any other illness, such as colds. and respiratory infections.

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No of course not. It might help but won't prevent.

You have flu like symptoms queazy stomach could you be pregnant?

You might be. But to make sure consult your doctor immediately

Is there a cure for stomach flu?

Yes! get a flu vaccination to prevent it, but if you already have it try the Brat diet!! Go for mostly clear fluids the first day and then eat Bannanas, Rice, Applesauce, And Toast(and other foods that can be easy on the stomach)

Flu shot to prevent?

I bet it is to prevent the Flu.

Are there diets to prevent stomach flu?

Yes. As a matter o' fact, inadequate diets that are low in protein, too low in calories (less than 1,200), or contain too many processed or fast foods will lack all the nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy immune system. Sleep deprivation and stress are other conditions that can make you more vulnerable to getting the flu.( WebMD) I am sorry if you have the flu. Get well soon.

Is there a cure for the stomach flu?

Yes! get a flu vaccination to prevent it, but if you already have it try the Brat diet!! Go for mostly clear fluids the first day and then eat Bannanas, Rice, Applesauce, And Toast(and other foods that can be easy on the stomach)

How long is the 24 hour stomach flu contagious?

How long is the 24 stomach flu contagious for

How long are you contagious after stomach flu?

You may be contagious a few days after you have had the stomach flu. Normally the stomach flu runs its course in one to two days.

Can you get influenza and then a week or to later get the stomach flu?

I believe so. The stomach flu isn't the flu at all and is a digestive system ailment. The flu is influenza, a respiratory virus.

When you have the flu does your belly hurt?

Your stomach will not nessasaraly hurt if you have the flu. it depends on what flu you have