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Get your husband to massage it! use a pillow to support it when sitting
about halfway thru prgenancy, your back starts to REALLY hurt, your pelvis is making room for growing baby.

It hurts but i find that breathing like they do on sitcoms etc helps, not because u laugh at yourself, but because it release more oxygen into the blood and can lower pressure, also since the pain is from a ligament treat it like a perpetual sprain. put a cold pack on it for 20 minutes rest the skin and switch to a hot pad or hot water bottle

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13y ago
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13y ago

When I was pregnant I tried to stay away from the foods that caused the heartburn. That didn't always work but it helped some.

I slept on my side with pillows behind my back and one in front to help with the Back pain. Also one between your knees helps.

Good Luck.

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Q: How do you prevent heartburn and back ache during pregnancy?
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This question should go unanswered, because it makes no sense to believe that you could be pregnant after eating and feeling stomach pain. You may just have food poisoning or gas, maybe even heartburn, but pregnancy, I believe not. you are obviously referring to "morning sickness" which can occur anytime of the day most likely during the first trimester. if you think you are having morning sickness you need to have a pregnancy test done as you need to be seeking prenatal care if you are indeed pregnant. ~pawsalmighty

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