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Just make sure it's not over 60 degrees because it will just keep melting so just let it cool down in the freezer

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Q: How do you prevent liquid sulfur from evaporating?
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What type of force prevent a liquid from evaporating?

sponges ear wax the molecular force of gravity prevent liquid from evaporating because the oxygen in the air creates an atmosphere, breaking the flow of energy that creates the reaction of heat

How are meting and evaporating different?

melting(not meting i supose)=solid to liquid evaporating=liquid to gas ;)

How evaporation causes cooling 6 examples?

In a given liquid, the atoms or molecules which are moving the fastest, and hence have the highest temperature, are the ones that are most likely to leave the liquid and evaporate. The atoms or molecules that they leave behind will therefore be cooler. Examples: evaporating water evaporating alcohol evaporating liquid nitrogen evaporating glycerol evaporating liquid helium evaporating acetone.

Liquid to gas is?


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Is liquid evaporating a chemical or physical change?

physical change, its molecules are gaining energy and evaporating

What happens to a liquid when it is evaporating as fast as it can?

it is boiling

What is it called when you change gas to liquid?

Boiling or Evaporating

Is sulfur a liquid?

Sulfur is a yellow solid and it is known for giving out an unpleasant odor, Sulfur Oxide.

Is sulfur liquid or gas at 200 degrees Celsius?

At 200 degrees Celsius sulfur is a liquid.

Is beta sulfur a liquid salfur?

no its not a liquid

Characteristics of sulfur after heated?

By heating liquid sulfur is obtained. The liquid is very viscous and had a red color.