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Q: How do you prevent pimples and sores in your hair?
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Is growth of pimples affected by hair on face?

Keeping the skin clean helps prevent or lesson pimples. Facial hair is going to trap more dirt and oil and may not be cleaned as well as smooth skin.

White head red sores on upper body?


Does glue prevent pimples?

It can!

Does facial hair cause pimples?

Yes it does! Pimples start deep in the dermis of the skin, at the hair follicle.

Can you get sores on your back if you dont wash well?

Just like with your face, you can get pimples on your back if pores get plugged up. It is also possible to get sores from poor hygiene.

What herbal can prevent pimples?

alo vera

Why do you get big red pimples under your armpits and every time you shave them pus will even come out of them?

The pimples are razor bumps or burns. To help prevent them try using baby oil before shaving. You can even try some hair conditioner.

Does eating greasy food prevent pimples?

um no.

Do pimples prevent wrinkles?

I don't think so? But I heard sperm can prevent wrinkles, or help prevent them.

What is the best way to prevent pimples?

The best way to prevent pimples is to always eat your vegetables and fruit (vitamin c),and wash your face with hot water and soap! ;)

What are some good ideas for how to prevent pimples?

There are many ways to prevent a breakout of pimples. 1, Drink plenty of water 2, Do not touch your face, you'll be amazed how many times we touch our face with dirty hands. 3, Keep hair clean and off of your face. 4. Wash face and hands with a natural soap such as syrinx za - do not use chemicals 5. Never squeeze Hope that helps

How long for mouth to heal from dipping?

It shouldn't really hurt you, but any sores or pimples or bumps will disappear in a few days.