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All I can say is that when you breath in, you take in air and extract the oxygen. When you exhale you're letting out the nitrogen that was with the oxygen in the air. The oxygen then goes to your blood. How this happens? I can't say.


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Q: How do you process the air you breathe before it gets into your lungs?
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Do lungs play a part in respiration?

Yes, lungs play a very important part in respiration. They are part of the respiratory system. When you breathe in, air gets into your lungs and exchanges oxygen with carbon dioxide with red blood cells. When you breathe out, the carbon dioxide is released.

What is the purpose of a respiratory system?

To breathe. Transport oxygen to lungs & then to bloodstream where it gets carried to brain, muscles, etc.

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No, but they do some good by preprocessing the air you breathe in before it reaches the lungs. Some dust is trapped and the temperature gets regulated

Before blood gets to the lungs what color is it?

Blood is always red.

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the heart pumps oxygenated blood back to the lungs

Job of the trachea?

Your trachea, or windpipe, allows air to come into your body and through your lungs. If food gets trapped inside your trachea, you cannot breathe.

How does respiration work in plants and animals?

Most animals breathe the same way humans do, with lungs. Fish use gills, which strip oxygen from water and lets the water pass through them. Plants obtain energy via a process called photosynthesis. The plant gets energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide and expels oxygen, which we breathe.