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The chromosomes need to be XY during intercourse. There's millions of sperm in a male, and its random for the baby's sex.

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Q: How do you produce a male child?
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You cannot tell

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no If you mean can a shemale fertilize and produce a child with a female partner, the answer would depend on whether that shemale was producing semen. With a male, no, a shemale would not be able to produce a child with a male partner through sexual intercourse.

Can a male produce a?

To "produce a baby", you need both a male and a female.

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Are you joking? It's the same for any couple ¬_¬

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No, they are male trees and only produce pollen

Can smoking weed affect your ability to produce a male child?

Of course not! Weed doesn't lower the amount of testosterone in your body. It will have no affect whatsoever.

What does male and female produce?

Male or female

When does female gene dominate the male gene?

There is not really anything called a male or female gene. There are sex chromosomes: X and Y. If a baby has XY (one from each parent), that child will be male. If the baby has XX, a girl is the result. The Y chromosome doesn't actually dominate but it has all the genes that produce male characterics. If a child is born without it, it will be female.

Can a male cone produce seeds?

No, male cone can only produce microspores (Pollen grains).