

How do you pronounce Amenemhat?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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12y ago

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The form "Amenemhat" is just one of several modern versions of the name that was written in hieroglyphs, using the signs that mean "the god Amun is at the forefront". Hieroglyphs did not record any vowels (the i is used to represent an Egyptian consonant sound that is not found in English) so we can never know how the name was actually pronounced by the ancient Egyptians, who obviously knew the correct vowels to insert.

Since Amenemhat is a modern, invented version of the name, you can say it any way you like - it will never be the way the Egyptians said it. Egyptologists simply put in the vowel "e" in most cases to replace the unknown vowels and make Egyptian words easier to pronounce today.

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