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Q: How do you pronounce mitt in norwegian?
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What is the Norwegian word for smile?

Smile. But in english you pronounce it like "smail", but in norwegian, you pronounce like "smile"

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How do you say my name is Caroline in Norwegian?

Mitt navn er Carolinelol google translate :P

How do pronounce Signe?

it is pronounced Singna. It is a Norwegian name

How do you write my name in norwegian?

The Norwegian alphabet is the same as the English except the extra three last letters: Æ, Ø, Å. Your English name would be the same in Norwegian, and as almost all Norwegians speak English they could easily pronounce your name the same. However it would also be possible to pronounce your name in a Norwegian fashion, with respect to different letter pronunciation and stress. Although this would hard to explain in writing, even if I knew your name. 'My name' is 'mitt navn' but if you want to say 'my name is Joe' you would say 'jeg heter Joe'.

How do you pronounce Florence in Norwegian?

Firenze (Fee-ren-zeh)

How do you pronounce Bakke in Norwegian?

"Bah" as in bar, but shorter, plus "keh"

How do you say Kendall in Norwegian?

It's not really used in Norwegian, so I think we's pronounce it just like the americans. If it's a originally a Norwegian name it propably had another spelling then.

What is the Norwegian word for four?

The Norwegian word for four spells 'fire' but its pronounced ' fee - rah ' you don't properly pronounce the ' h ' Thank You :)

How do you pronounce savner in norwegian?

It's kind of like Sub-Net .......... weird, I know

How do you pronounce ulleval in norwegian?

Ullevål:U as in moon, just shorterLL is just LE as in endVÅL as in volume

How do to spell Norway in Norwegian?

The word "God" can be translated as "Gud"in Norwegian.