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the letter f is pronounced 'eff'

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Q: How do you pronounce the letter 'f' in French?
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How do you pronounce f in french?

You pronounce it the same way in french as you do in english, only with a french accent.

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The letter B is pronounced like "Bey"

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the same as in english you pronounce it as ah

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po-ee-(letter a)

What is the french word for and?

The French word for "and" is "et". It is pronounced like you would pronounce the letter "a".and = et

How do you pronounce girls in french?

Spelling: Filles You pronouce the "f" like it is, the rest is just "I" (I says it's name), basically like f-I.

How do you pronounce Hollywood in french?

The letter h is always silent in French, so it would be pronounced with a muted h

How do you pronounce the letter 8 in french?

In french you say huit instead of eight. You say it like you say wheat.

A snack that starts with the letter f?

French fries!

How do you pronounce a in French?

if you mean the letter "a" in french alphabet : like the "a" in "ah" if you mean the translation of "a" in french : it's "un" but there's is no equivalent sound in english.