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Q: How do you protect yourself during a bear attack?
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The skin helps the bear to protect itself when it is attacking or being attack by some animal or some people.

What do you do in a bear attack?

you curl up in a ball and protect your neck, face , and vital organs. The bear will batter you a little bit, but will lose interest in a couple of minutes.

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You need arms to protect yourself from potential burglars and murderers.

What can bear do?

Bears eat, sleep, poop, and protect their cubs. If it feels like its going to be attacked or feels threatened, it will attack.

How to avoid an attacking bear?

The best way to avoid an attacking bear is to remain out of bear territory. In addition if going into a bear prone area be sure to have bear rated pepper spray to protect yourself if the get within 10-15 feet.

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Is a grizzly bear attack or a black bear attack worse?

They're equally bad.

What is the best handgun to take camping in order to protect from bear attack?

The best protection against bear will not be a handgun, but an OC Pepper Spray made specifically for bears. There is no handgun that would be a guaranteed bear stopper. I have spent time in bear country, and we carried bear spray and a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with slugs.

How sharp are bear claws?

Sharp enough to kill other animals and possibly kill you because it depends how you protect yourself.

Should you play dead for a bear?

Don't run , because the bear will then see you are scared and attack you. 98.6% of all bears don't like dead animals and people. So once you see a bear looking at you, just fall down and the bear will come to you, smell you , and go away. It is believed by many, that you play dead for the grizzly bear, fight and make as much noise as you can, at the black bear; To give yourself a good chance to live in a bear attack.

Can you punch a bear and survive?

No. The only way to live through a bear attack ( maybe) is to roll up in a ball/fetal position, protect your head and face as much as possible, and act dead. If you run you become prey and will not win.